American Lunch este denumirea generica a unui pranz de exceptie care contine costite de porc fragede, aripioare de pui crocante, cartofi dulci wedges, o salata coleslaw absolut dementiala, porumb crocant cu unt picant si un sos barbeque care sa completeze intregul platou.
(Pentru 4 portii / For 4 servings)
Pentru felul principal / For main dish
- 500 grame coaste / 500 grams short ribs
- 500 grame aripioare / 500 grams chicken wings
- 2 lingurite mici sare / 2 small teaspoons salt
- 2 lingurite mici fulgi de chilli / 2 small teaspoons chilli flakes
- 10 grame praf de copt / 10 grams baking powder
Pentru salata coleslaw / For coleslaw
- 2 cani varza / 2 cups cabbage
- 1 morcov / 1 carrot
- 1/2 ceapa rosie / 1/2 red onion
- 30 grame maioneza / 30 grams mayonnaise
- 20 grame zahar / 20 grams sugar
- 15 ml lapte batut / 15 ml buttermilk
- 15 ml lapte / 15 ml milk
- 1 lingurita otet mere / 1 teaspoon apple vinegar
- 1 lingurita suc de lamaie / 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
Pentru cartofii dulci wedges / For sweet wedges potatoes
- 2 cartofi dulci / 2 sweet potatoes
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Pentru porumb / For the corn
- 2 bucati porumb / 2 corns
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- Sare / Salt
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
Pentru sosul barbeque / For barbeque sauce
- 1/2 cana ketchup / 1/2 cup ketchup
- 50 ml otet de mere / 50 ml apple vinegar
- 50 grame zahar brun / 50 grams brown sugar
- 1 lingura mustar clasic / 1 tablespoon clasic mustard
- 1 lingura sos Worcestershire / 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 lingurita pudra de ceapa / 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 1/4 lingurita piper / 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
- 1/4 lingurita mica sare / 1/4 small teaspoon salt
Incepem prin a pregati carnea. Taiem costitele in bucati mai mici si curatam foarte bine aripioarele de pui. Stergem carnea cu un servet absorbant si o punem intr-un bol. Adaugam sarea, fulgii de chilli si praful de copt si lasam la frigider 2-3 ore sau chiar peste noapte. Dupa marinare, punem costitele de porc in cosuletul de Tefal One Pot si le pregatim la abur timp de 30 de minute (functia “Steam”), apoi le mutam in Tefal Actifry pentru 20 de minute pana cand sunt rumenite. Indepartam costitele si adaugam in Actifry, aripioarele de pui pe care le pregatim cu programul special timp de 20 de minute.
Pentru salata coleslaw, taiem foarte marunt varza si morcovul. Intr-un bol amestecam ceapa data pe razatoarea mica cu restul ingredientelor. Adaugam sosul peste legume si amestecam bine. Lasam la frigider timp de 4-5 ore inainte de a consuma.
Spalam bine cartofii dulci si ii taiem in felii groase. Tinem feliile de cartofi in apa rece timp de o ora, apoi ii scurgem, ii amestecam cu ulei si sare si ii asezam pe o tava. Coacem cartofii in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius timp de 20 de minute pe fiecare parte.
Porumbul se pregateste foarte simplu. Alegem un porumb prefiert pe care il taiem in bucati mai mici pe care le presaram cu sare si fulgi de chilli. Le punem in tava de Actifry impreuna cu o uleiul de masline timp de 20 de minute. Pentru untul aromat, amestecam untul la temperatura camerei cu sare si fulgi de chilli. Lasam untul la frigider pana in momentul servirii.
Pentru sosul barbeque amestecam toate ingredientele si le fierbem timp de 5 minute la foc mic.
Servim costitele si aripioarele alaturi de cartofi dulci, porumb aromat si sos barbeque.
Intregim acest platou cu un pahar de Negru de Valahia de la Crama Stramutata, un Merlot obtinut din primii struguri culesi din vita-de-vie tanara. Este un vin rosu cu buchet floral caracteristic, cu un continut ponderat de tanin.
Daca v-a placut reteta acestui American Lunch, va invit sa incercati si Coaste de porc cu cartofi copti, Aripioare de pui cu lamaie si piper sau Aripioare la cuptor in stil mexican.
English version
American Lunch
American Lunch is the generic name for an exceptional lunch that contains tender pork ribs, crispy chicken wings, sweet potato slices, an incredible cabbage salad, crispy corn with spicy butter and a barbeque sauce that completes the entire platter.
Start by preparing the meat. Cut the ribs into smaller pieces and clean the chicken wings very well. Wipe the meat with an absorbent napkin and put it in a bowl. Add salt, chilli flakes and baking powder and leave in the fridge for 2-3 hours or even overnight. After marinating, put the pork ribs in the Tefal One Pot basket and steam them for 30 minutes („Steam” function), then we move them in Tefal Actifry for 20 minutes until they are browned. Remove the ribs and add to Actifry, the chicken wings that we prepare with the special program for 20 minutes.
For the coleslaw salad, cut the cabbage and carrot into very small pieces. In a bowl, mix the onion on a small grater with the rest of the ingredients. Add the sauce over the vegetables and mix well. Leave it in the fridge for 4-5 hours before serving.
Wash the sweet potatoes well and cut them into thick slices. Put the potato slices in cold water for an hour, then drain them, mix them with oil and salt and place them on a tray. Bake the potatoes in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes on each side.
The corn is very easy to prepare. Choose a pre-boiled corn and cut into smaller pieces then sprinkle with salt and chilli flakes. Put them in the Actifry tray together with olive oil for 20 minutes. For the flavored butter, mix the butter at room temperature with salt and chilli flakes. Leave the butter in the fridge until ready to serve.
For the barbeque sauce, mix all the ingredients and simmer for 5 minutes on low heat.
Serve the ribs and wings with sweet potatoes, flavored corn and barbeque sauce.
If you liked the recipe for this American Lunch, I invite you to try the Pork ribs with baked potatoes, Chicken wings with lemon and pepper or Mexican-style baked wings.
- Ali Nazik
- Chef Murad Istanbul
- Mic dejun mexican cu friptura de porc si curcan
- Deraliye Ottoman Cuisine Restaurant Istanbul
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