Inceperea mesei cu portii mici de salata, mezeluri, branzeturi sau diferite gustari este destul de obisnuita in multe dintre traditiile culinare ale lumii. Antipasto di terra ramane unul dintre aperitivele fundamentale ale meselor italiene. Farfuriile de antipasto contin invariabil legume proaspete sau murate, fructe, salami sau alte mezeluri precum prosciutto crudo sau cotto, masline, crostini si nuci. Aceste platouri abunda de culoare si gust. Asadar nu va ramane decat sa le incercati cat mai repede.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 75 grame salam picant / 75 grams spicy salami
- 75 grame prosciutto crudo / 75 grams prosciutto crudo
- 50 grame cascaval / 50 grams hard cheese
- 50 grame cascaval cu trufe / 50 grams trufle cheese
- 50 grame parmezan / 50 grams parmesan
- 200 grame ricotta / 200 grams ricotta
- 150 grame buratta / 150 grams buratta
- 30 grame masline kalamata / 30 grams kalama olives
- 30 grame masline verzi / 30 grams green olives
- 50 grame castraveti murati / 50 grams pickled
- 2 linguri gem de gutui / 2 tablespoons quince jam
- 2 linguri miere / 2 tablespoons honey
- 25 grame biscuiti sarati / 25 grams salty crackers
- 50 grame ciocolata cu cirese / 50 grams cherry chocolate
- 1/2 mar / 1/2 apple
- 100 grame struguri / 100 grams grapes
- 100 grame fructe de padure / 100 grams forest fruits
- 50 grame nuci pecan / 50 grams pecan nuts
Secretul acestor platouri este folosirea ingredientelor de calitate si chiar daca discutam de o tematica italiana, multe dintre aceste specialitati de mezeluri si branzeturi le gasim la producatori locali. Foarte multi dintre acestia s-au adaptat la solicitarea pietei si au inceput sa produca alimente dupa retete italienesti.
Pentru acest platou, am ales sa imbinam gustul de dulce cu sarat, de legume cu fructe, de mezeluri crud-uscate de calitate si branzeturi aromate.
Servim antipasto di terra ca aperitiv pentru o masa festiva sau de ce nu, intr-o seara de weekend la un film alaturi de prieteni.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Antipasto di terra, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Antipasto di Terra
Starting the meal with small portions of salad, meat, cheeses or different snacks is quite common in many of the world’s culinary traditions. Antipasto di terra remains one of the fundamental appetizers of Italian meals. The antipasto plates invariably contain fresh or pickled vegetables, fruit, salami or other cured meats such as prosciutto crudo or cotto, olives, crostini and nuts. These plates are full of color and taste. So all you have to do is try them as soon as possible.
The secret of these platters is the use of quality ingredients and even if we are discussing an Italian theme, many of these charcuterie and cheese specialties can be found at local producers. Many of them adapted to the market demand and started producing food according to Italian recipes.
For this plate, we chose to combine the taste of sweet and salty, of vegetables and fruits, of quality raw-dried sausages and aromatic cheeses.
Serve antipasto di terra as an appetizer for a festive meal or, why not, on a weekend night at a movie with friends.
If you liked the Antipasto di terra recipe, I invite you to try Antipasti festivi, Italian Charcuterie Board or a Christmas Board.
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