Aceste aripioare cu lamaie si piper sunt incredibil de crocante, pline de aroma de citrice proaspete si piper negru. Este o reteta usoara de aripioare de pui la cuptor, perfecta pentru o masa de pranz. Tehnica speciala de gatit ofera o crusta crocanta si un mijloc suculent. Desi pare ciudat, acoperirea aripilor cu praf de copt creaza un strat exterior crocant, ceea ce transforma niste simple aripioare intr-un succes garantat.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 kg aripioare de pui / 1 kg chicken wings
- 10 grame praf de copt / 10 grams baking powder
- 4 linguri ulei de masline / 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 lingurita piper negru / 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lamaie / 1/2 lemon
Intr-un bol punem aripioarele de pui taiate in doua si uscate foarte bine cu un servetel. Presaram praful de copt si amestecam foarte bine. Adaugam apoi usturoiul zdrobit, sarea, piperul, uleiul de masline si amestecam bine. Lasam la marinat, la rece, timp de 3-4 ore. Eu am avut si 2 pulpe de pui dezosate pe care le-am taiat in bucati mai mici si le-am adaugat langa aripioare.
Intr-o tava asezam o hartie de copt si asezam aripioarele de pui. Daca aveti o tava cu gratar, este indicat sa o folositi pe aceasta. Daca nu, asezati puiul direct pe hartia de copt.
Coacem aripioarele in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 grade Celsius timp de 50 – 60 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Servim aripioarele cu felii de lamaie si patrunjel verde. Daca doriti puteti adauga cartofi prajiti si sos de usturoi.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Aripioare cu lamaie si piper, va recomand sa incercati si aripioare de pui cu parmezan si usturoi, aripioare la cuptor in stil mexican sau un lunch bucket.
English version
Lemon and pepper chicken wings
These lemon and pepper wings are incredibly crunchy, full of fresh citrus and black pepper flavor. It is an easy recipe for baked chicken wings, perfect for a lunch. The special cooking technique offers a crunchy crust and a juicy meat inside. It may be strange, but covering the wings with baking powder creates a crispy outer layer, which turns some crispy wings into a guaranteed success.
In a bowl put the chicken wings cut in half and dried very well with a napkin. Sprinkle with baking powder and mix well. Then add the crushed garlic, salt, pepper, olive oil and mix well. Leave to marinate for 3-4 hours. I also had 2 boneless chicken legs that I cut into smaller pieces and added next to the wings.
In a tray I put a baking paper and place the chicken wings. If you have a tray with a grill, it is advisable to use it. If not, place the chicken directly on the baking paper. Bake the wings in the preheated oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 50-60 minutes until nicely browned.
Serve the wings with lemon slices and green parsley. If you want you can add french fries and garlic sauce.
If you liked the recipe for lemon and pepper chicken wings, I recommend you try chicken wings with parmesan and garlic, mexican-style baked wings or a lunch bucket.
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