Bruschette toscane


Bruschette toscane, un antreu simplu dar sofisticat, este o marturie a bogatiei culinare a Italiei. Aceasta reteta traditionala isi are radacinile in inima Toscanei, unde ingredientele proaspete si aromele intense sunt la ele acasa. Pateul de ficat de pui cu hribi este o varianta inovativa a clasicului preparat italian. Combinatia de ficat de pui, hribi si ceapa verde, imbogatita cu arome de usturoi, cimbru si chilli, creeaza un gust complex si satisfacator. Vinul alb si untul adauga o nota de cremozitate, in timp ce patrunjelul verde proaspat aduce un strop de culoare si prospetime. Aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru cei care cauta sa impresioneze oaspetii cu un antreu elegant, dar fara a petrece ore in bucatarie. Servita pe felii crocante de paine prajita, bruschette toscane devine nu doar un antreu, ci o experienta culinara care imbina traditia cu inovatia.

Bruschette Toscane

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)

  • 500 grame ficatei de pui
  • 200 grame hribi
  • 3 cepe verzi sau 1 ceapa rosie
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline
  • 1 lingurita cimbru
  • 1/2 lingurita fulgi de chilli
  • 1/4 lingurita piper
  • 150 ml supa de pui sau apa
  • 50 ml vin alb
  • 25 grame unt
  • 2 linguri patrunjel verde
  • Sare
Bruschette Toscane

Incalzim o lingura de ulei de masline intr-o tigaie si adaugam ceapa verde taiata marunt, usturoiul zdrobit si 50 ml supa. Inabusim usor timp de 3 minute si adaugam hribii taiati in cubulete, cimbrul si fulgii de chilli.

Continuam sa calim 2 minute si adaugam restul de supa. Gatim la foc mediu spre mare timp de 10 minute si adaugam ficateii taiati in cubulete mici, piper si vinul alb.

Bruschette Toscane

Gatim, amestecand ocazional tip de 10 minute pana cand sosul devine consistent. Dam deoparte si adaugam patrunjelul verde tocat marunt si untul, amestecand pana cand acesta este incorporat.

Bruschette Toscane

Strivim apoi compozitia cu ajutorul unei furculite, pastrand si bucatele mai mari si lasam la racit.

Servim pateul de pui cu hribi pe felii de paine prajita alaturi de un mix de masline.

Bruschette Toscane

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Bruschette toscane va invit sa incercati si:

Pate de pui cu unt si trufe
Bruschete cu branza feta si masline
Rillettes de ton

English version

Bruschetta Toscana

Bruschetta Toscana, a simple but sophisticated appetizer, is a testimony to the culinary richness of Italy. This traditional recipe has its roots in the heart of Tuscany, where fresh ingredients and intense flavors are at home. Chicken liver pate with porcini mushrooms is an innovative version of the classic Italian dish. The combination of chicken liver, mushrooms and green onions, enriched with garlic, thyme and chilli flavors, creates a complex and satisfying taste. White wine and butter add a touch of creaminess, while fresh green parsley brings a splash of color and freshness. This recipe is perfect for those looking to impress guests with an elegant appetizer, but without spending hours in the kitchen. Served on crispy slices of toasted bread, Toscana bruschetta becomes not just an appetizer, but a culinary experience that combines tradition with innovation.

INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)

  • 500 grams chicken liver
  • 200 grams mushrooms
  • 3 green onions or 1 red onion
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon thyme
  • 1/2 teaspoon chili flakes
  • 1/4 teaspoon pepper
  • 150 ml chicken soup or water
  • 50 ml white wine
  • 25 grams butter
  • 2 tablespoons green parsley
  • Salt

Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan and add finely chopped green onions, crushed garlic and 50 ml of soup. Simmer gently for 3 minutes and add diced scallions, thyme and chilli flakes.

Continue to cook for 2 minutes and add the rest of the soup. Cook on medium to high heat for 10 minutes and add the livers cut into small cubes, pepper and white wine.

Cook, stirring occasionally, for about 10 minutes until the sauce becomes thick. Set aside and add the finely chopped green parsley and the butter, mixing until it is incorporated.Then crush the composition with the help of a pestle, keeping the larger pieces and leave to cool.

Serve the chicken pate with mushrooms on slices of toasted bread with a mix of olives.

If you liked the Bruschette Toscane recipe, I invite you to try Chicken Pate with Truffle Butter, Bruschetta with Feta Cheese and Olives or Tuna Rillettes.


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