Cacioricotta crostini cu mortadella & pesto este o combinatie clasica de arome italiene care va transforma un mic dejun obisnuit intr-o adevarata experienta culinara.

(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 75 grame branza cacioricotta / 75 grams cacioricotta cheese
- 75 grame mortadella cu fistic / 75 grams pistachio mortadella
- 2 linguri sos pesto / 2 tablespoons pesto sauce
- 2 felii de paine integrala cu seminte / 2 slices of wholemeal seeds bread
- 2 rosii / 2 tomatoes
- 1 catel de usturoi / 1 garlic clove
- 1/4 lingurita oregano / 1/4 teaspoon oregano
- Mix de salata verde / Green salad mix
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 lingurite otet balsamic / 2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar

Reteta este extrem de simpla si rapida. Prajim feliile de paine si le ungem cu sosul pesto. Adaugam branza cacioricotta si feliile de mordadella. In cazul in care nu aveti cacioricotta, puteti sa folositi orice fel de branza dulce: ricotta, mozarella proaspata sau chiar urda noastra traditionala.
Pentru salata taiem rosiile in cubulete mici. Adaugam usturoiul zdrobit, sarea, oregano si uleiul de masline.

Servim crostini cu cacioricotta, mortadella, pesto alaturi de salata de rosii si salata verde asezonata cu ulei de masline si otet balsamic.

Daca v-a placut reteta Cacioricotta Crostini cu Mortadella & Pesto va invit sa incercati si o omleta italiana, un platou cu crostini dulci si sarate sau un mic dejun fancy cu prosciutto sau somon.
English version
Cacioricotta Crostini with Mortadella & Pesto
Cacioricotta crostini with mortadella & pesto is a classic combination of Italian flavors that will turn a normal breakfast into a culinary experience.
The recipe is extremely simple and quick. Toast the slices of bread and spread them with the pesto sauce. Add cacioricotta cheese and slices of mordadella. If you don’t have cacioricotta, you can use any kind of sweet cheese: ricotta, fresh mozzarella or other sweet cheese.
For the salad, cut the tomatoes into small cubes. Add crushed garlic, salt, oregano and olive oil.
Serve crostini with cacioricotta, mortadella, pesto with tomato salad and green salad seasoned with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
If you liked the Cacioricotta Crostini with Mortadella & Pesto, I invite you to try an Italian omelette, a plate of sweet and salty crostini or a fancy breakfast with prosciutto or salmon.
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