Cartofi copti umpluti cu bacon si ceapa verde


Cum se fac cei mai buni cartofi copti umpluti cu bacon si ceapa verde? Nimic mai simplu. Eu i-am pregatit pentru o masa de pranz si au fost un adevarat succes. Cartofi copti intregi cu miez cremos desavarsiti cu unt, bacon, smantana si ceapa verde. Un adevarat deliciu.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 8 cartofi / 8 potatoes
  • 8 lingurite ulei de masline / 8 teaspoons olive oil
  • 200 grame bacon / 200 grams bacon
  • 200 grame smantana / 200 grams sour cream
  • 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
  • 4 cepe verzi / 4 scallions
  • Sare / Salt

Spalam bine cartofii, cu ajutorul unui burete si ii uscam cu servetele absorbante. Ungem cartofii cu ulei de masline, ii intepam din loc in loc cu ajutorul unei furculite si ii presaram cu sare mare. Coacem cartofii in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 60 minute, avand grija sa ii intoarcem la jumatatea timpului.

Intre timp, taiem baconul in cubulete si il prajim usor. Curatam si ceapa verde si o taiem marunt.

Scoatem cartofii din cuptor, ii taiem pe jumatate si presam mijlocul cu ajutorul unei furculite. Adaugam untul, smantana, baconul si ceapa verde.

Servim cartofii copti, presarati cu fulgi de chilli, extra ceapa verde si multa pofta.

Scurte indicatii video pentru reteta, gasiti aici.

Daca v-a placut reteta de cartofi copti umpluti cu bacon si ceapa verde, va invit sa incercati si cartofi dulci copti cu branza si avocado sau cartofi copti alaturi de muschi de vita si creveti.

English version

Baked potatoes stuffed with bacon and green onions

How to make the best baked potatoes stuffed with bacon and green onions? Nothing easier. I prepared them for lunch and they were fantastic. Whole baked potatoes with creamy core topped with butter, bacon, sour cream and green onions. A real treat.

Wash the potatoes well with a sponge and dry them with absorbent napkins. Drizzle the potatoes with olive oil, stab them from place to place with a fork and sprinkle with salt. Bake the potatoes in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes, taking care to turn them halfway through.

Meanwhile, cut the bacon into cubes and lightly fry it. Cut the potatoes in half and press the middle with a fork. Add butter, sour cream, bacon and green onions.

Serve the baked potatoes, sprinkled with chlli flakes, extra green onions and lots of appetite.

Short video instructions for the recipe can be found here.

If you liked the recipe for baked potatoes with bacon and green onions, I invite you to try sweet baked potatoes with cheese and avocado or baked potatoes with beef and shrimp.


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