Ceapa rosie murata


Ceapa rosie murata este un adevarat deliciu culinar, care transforma orice masa intr-o experienta savuroasa. Simplu de preparat, cu un echilibru perfect intre dulce, acrisor si aromele condimentelor, acest preparat adauga un plus de prospetime si rafinament aperitivelor tale preferate. In plus, pe langa savoarea deosebita, ceapa rosie murata este si o alegere sanatoasa, datorita proprietatilor antioxidante si vitaminelor continute. Fie ca o servesti alaturi de branzeturi, mezeluri sau preparate din carne, acest topping versatil va deveni rapid un ingredient indispensabil in bucataria ta.

Ceapa rosie murata

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INGREDINTE (pentru 8 portii)

  • 3 cepe rosii
  • 100 ml otet de cidru de mere
  • 100 ml apa
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 2 linguri miere
  • 1/4 lingurita boabe de piper rosu
  • 1/4 lingurita boabe de piper negru
  • 1/4 lingurita boabe de mustar
  • 1 frunza mica dafin
Ceapa rosie murata

Curatati ceapa si taiati-o in rondele fine, apoi asezati-o cu grija intr-un borcan curat.

Intr-un ibric, aduceti la punctul de fierbere apa si otetul. Adaugati sarea, mierea, boabele de piper rosu, piper negru, mustar si frunza de dafin. Lasati sa fiarba cateva minute pentru a elibera aromele condimentelor.

Ceapa rosie murata

Turnati lichidul fierbinte peste ceapa, asigurandu-va ca aceasta este complet acoperita. Inchideti borcanul ermetic cu un capac si lasati la marinat la temperatura camerei timp de 24 de ore.

Ceapa rosie murata

Dupa marinare, ceapa murata este gata pentru a fi servita alaturi de aperitivele preferate, oferind un gust echilibrat, dulce-acrisor, si o textura crocanta.

Ceapa rosie murata

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English version

Pickled Red Onions

Pickled red onions are a true culinary delight that can transform any meal into a savory experience. Easy to prepare, with a perfect balance between sweet, tangy, and the aromatic flavors of spices, this dish adds a touch of freshness and refinement to your favorite appetizers. Moreover, beyond its exquisite taste, pickled red onions are a healthy choice, thanks to their antioxidant properties and vitamin content. Whether you serve them alongside cheeses, cold cuts, or meat dishes, this versatile topping will quickly become an essential ingredient in your kitchen.

INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)

  • 3 red onions
  • 100 ml apple cider vinegar
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1/4 teaspoon red peppercorns
  • 1/4 teaspoon black peppercorns
  • 1/4 teaspoon mustard seeds
  • 1 small bay leaf

Peel the onions and slice them into thin rounds, then carefully place them into a clean jar.

In a saucepan, bring the water and vinegar to a boil. Add the salt, honey, red peppercorns, black peppercorns, mustard seeds, and bay leaf. Let it boil for a few minutes to release the flavors of the spices.

Pour the hot liquid over the onions, ensuring they are fully submerged. Seal the jar tightly with a lid and let it marinate at room temperature for 24 hours.

After marination, the pickled onions are ready to be served alongside your favorite appetizers, offering a balanced sweet-tangy taste and a crisp texture.

If you enjoyed this pickled red onion recipe, we invite you to also try Salad with marinated mushrooms, Roasted Beet Salad or Crushed Cucumbers, Sumac, Radishes and Onions Salad.


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