Piure-ul de cartofi se afla probabil printre cele mai iubite garnituri, atat de adulti cat si de copii. Cu siguranta stim cu totii sa pregatim acest fel de mancare, insa ni s-a intamplat sa nu avem intotdeauna rezultatele dorite. Prea aspru, fara gust, cu bucatele de cartofi incomplet fierte sau chiar facut din fulgi de cartofi din comoditate. Am intalnit aceste probleme atat acasa cat si la restaurante.
Am incercat si eu de-a lungul timpului mai multe variante. Intr-o carte cu tehnici de gatit am gasit recomandarea de a fierbe cartofii in coaja. Piure-ul este foarte bun, insa are dezavantajul timpului, cartofii in coaja necesitand un timp mai mare de fierbere. O alta problema poate sa fie zdrobirea cartofilor. Fie ca foloseam ustensila speciala pentru piure, fie furculita, ramaneau intotdeauna bucatele mici de cartofi, iar consistenta finala era de multe ori uscata, aspra.
Pana intr-o zi in care am decis sa folosesc prietenii din bucatarie si am descoperit reteta perfecta a unui piure de cartofi cremos si gustos.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 800 grame cartofi / 800 grams potatoes
- 150 ml lapte cald / 150 ml warm milk
- 100 grame unt / 100 grams butter
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
Prima schimbare pe care am facut-o a fost modul de preparare termica a cartofilor. Pentru a pastra gustul si proprietatile nutritive ale legumelor este recomandata prepararea la abur. Asadar, am curatat cartofii si i-am taiat in cuburi mari. I-am fiert timp de 30 de minute la abur cu ajutorul steamer-ului Tefal.
Rasturnam cartofii fierbinti in bolul mixerului Kitchen Aid si ii strivim usor cu accesoriul de mixare. Adaugam sarea, untul si 3/4 din cantitatea de lapte. Mixam bine si adaugam restul de lapte daca mai este necesar. Cantitatea de lapte se regleaza in functie de consistenta cartofilor astfel incat sa obtinem un piure cremos.
Scurt rezumat video:
Eu am servit de aceasta data cu friptura de pui si salata verde de primavara.
English version
(The Best) Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes are probably among the most popular garnishes, both for adults and children. Of course we all know how to prepare this dish, but it has happened to us that we do not always have the desired results. Not creamy, tasteless, with incompletely cooked potato pieces or even made from potato flakes for convenience. I encountered these problems both at home and at restaurants.
I also tried several options over time. In a cooking techniques book I found the recommendation to boil the potatoes in their skins. The puree is very good, but it has the disadvantage of time, the potatoes in the shell requiring a longer cooking time. Another problem can be crushing the potatoes. Whether I used the special utensil for puree or the fork, there were always small pieces of potatoes, and the consistency was often dry, rough.
Until one day when I decided to use my friends in the kitchen and I discovered the perfect recipe for a creamy and tasty mashed potato.
The first change I made was the way the potatoes were cooked. To preserve the taste and nutritional properties of vegetables, steaming is recommended. So, I peeled the potatoes and cut them into large cubes. I steamed them for 30 minutes with the help of the Tefal steamer.
Pour the hot potatoes into the bowl of the Kitchen Aid mixer and lightly crush them with the mixing accessory. Add salt, butter and 3/4 of the amount of milk. Mix well and add the rest of the milk if necessary. The amount of milk is adjusted according to the consistency of the potatoes so as to obtain a creamy puree. You’ll find above a short video regarding the preparation.
I served this time with chicken steak and spring lettuce.
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