Ciorba de cartofi cu ciolan afumat este una dintre retele clasice ale copilariei mele. Ca variatiuni pe aceeasi tema putem alege coaste afumate sau fasole, insa niciodata nu renuntam la tarhon si otet. Aroma tarhonului desavarseste perfect savoarea carnii afumate si a legumelor pentru o farfurie plina de bun gust, acompaniata de ceapa rosie si cea mai proaspata paine traditionala.
(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)
- 1 ciolan afumat (aproximativ 1,5 kg) / 1 smocked hoch (1,5 kg)
- 1 kg cartofi / 1 kg potatoes
- 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
- 1 felie de telina / 1 slice celery
- 2 cepe / 2 onions
- 250 grame pasta de tomate / 250 grams tomato sauce
- 3 linguri otet / 3 tablespoons vinegar
- 4 linguri tarhon / 4 tablespoons tarragon
- Sare / Salt
Eu am ales sa pregatesc aceasta reteta cu Tefal One Pot, insa puteti gati in mod traditional urmand aceeasi pasi dar marind timpul de gatire.
Curatam bine ciolanul afumat, eventual il si parlim bine daca este cazul si il punem in Tefal One Pot cu apa rece astfel incat toata carnea sa fie acoperita cu apa.
Alegem functia de gatit sub presiune si il fierbem pentru 40 minute. Timpul de fierbere difera in functie de ciolan. La expirarea timpului depresurizam oala si verificam daca ciolanul este fiert astfel incat carnea sa se desprinda usor de pe os. In cazul in care nu este fiert mai prelungim timpul de fierbere cu 20 – 30 de minute.
Intre timp pregatim legumele. Taiem ceapa, telina si morcovul in cubulete mici si cartofii in cuburi mari de 2 x 2 cm.
Cand carnea este fiarta adaugam in One Pot zarzavaturile si 1/2 lingurita de sare. Alegem functia “Soup” pentru 10 minute. Depresurizam si apoi adaugam cartofii si pasta de tomate. Mai setam inca o data functia “Soup” pentru inca 10 minute.
Depresurizam si adaugam otetul si tarhonul taiat marunt. Reglati cantitatea de otet si sare in functie de preferintele personale.
Servim cu paine de casa si salata de ceapa rosie si multa pofta. Cu siguranta o singura portie va fi prea putin. 😀
Daca v-a placut Ciorba de cartofi cu ciolan afumat, va recomand sa incercati si
English version
Potato Soup with Smoked Hoch
Potato soup with smoked hoch is one of the classic recipes of my childhood. As variations on the same theme, we can choose smoked ribs or beans, but we never give up tarragon and vinegar. The aroma of tarragon perfectly complements the taste of smoked meat and vegetables for a plate full of good taste, accompanied by red onion and the freshest traditional bread.
I chose to prepare this recipe with the Tefal One Pot, but you can cook it in the traditional way by following the same steps but increasing the cooking time.
Clean the smoked hock well, if necessary, parboil it well if necessary and put it in the Tefal One Pot with cold water so that all the meat is covered with water.
Choose the pressure cooking function and boil it for 40 minutes. The boiling time differs depending on the meat. At the end of the time, depressurize the pot and check if the meat is cooked so that the meat comes off the bone easily. If it is not cooked, extend the cooking time by 20 – 30 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the vegetables. Cut the onion, celery and carrots into small cubes and the potatoes into large cubes of 2 x 2 cm.
When the meat is cooked, add the vegetables and 1/2 teaspoon of salt to the One Pot. Choose the „Soup” function for 10 minutes. Depressurize and then add the potatoes and tomato paste. Once again, set the „Soup” function for another 10 minutes.
Depressurize and add the vinegar and finely chopped tarragon. Adjust the amount of vinegar and salt according to your personal preferences.
Serve with homemade bread and red onion salad and enjoy. Surely one portion will not be enough. 😀
If you liked the Potato Soup with Smoked Hoch, I recommend you to try Bean Soup in Bread, Smoked Meat Potatoe Soup or Pork Soup with Horseradish.
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