Cu totii stim si cel mai probabil, iubim, ciorba de pui a la grec. O ciorba delicioasa, simpla dreasa cu smantana, lamaie si marar. Astazi inlocuim carnea de pui cu perisoare delicioase, aromate cu patrunjel verde. Si pentru ca mi-am dorit o varianta dietetica am renuntat la orez si smantana, inlocuind-o pe cea din urma cu iaurt grecesc. Ciorba de perisoare a la grec este racoroasa, perfecta pentru o zi de vara.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 500 grame carne tocata pui sau curcan / 500 grams chicken or turkey minced meat
- 1/4 telina mica / 1/4 small celery
- 1 pastarnac / 1 parsnip
- 1 patrunjel / 1 parsley root
- 2 cepe / 2 onions
- 1 ardei rosu / 1 red pepper
- 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
- Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 legatura marar / 1 bunch dill
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde tocat marunt / 2 tablespoons finely chopped green parsley
- 2 linguri iaurt grecesc sau smantana / 2 tablespoons greek yogurt or sour cream
- Sare / Salt
Deoarece imi plac foarte mult ciorbele gatite la Tefal One Pot, am ales aceasta modalitate de gatire si pentru ciorba de perisoare a la grec. Insa, desigur, ciorbita se poate prepara in mod similar si in varianta clasica, marind timpii de preparare.
Curatam si spalam legumele. Taiem cubulete o ceapa, telina, ardeiul, radacina de patrunjel, pastarnacul si morcovul. Turnam in One Pot, 1,5 litri de apa calda si adaugam legumele si o lingurita de sare. Alegem functia „Soup” pentru 10 minute.
Intre timp, pregatim perisoarele. Recomandarea mea este sa alegeti piept de pui sau curcan proaspat si sa il tocati acasa. Peste carnea tocata adaugam o ceapa taiata marunt si patrunjelul verde. Amestecam bine si formam perisoarele.
La finalizarea programului „Soup” depresurizam oala si adaugam perisoarele. Alegem din nou functia „Soup”, timp 15 minute. La expirarea timpului depresurizam.
Intr-un bol mai adanc punem iaurtul grecesc sau smantana si adaugam cate un polonic de ciorba amestecand constant astfel incat sa nu taiem ciorba prin adaugarea iaurtului rece. Amestecam apoi adaugam sucul de lamaie si mararul taiat marunt.
Servim ciorba cu ardei iuti proaspeti sau murati si cu multa pofta.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Ciorba de perisoare a la grec, va invit sa incercati si o Ciorba de pui a la grec, o Ciorba de varza cu afumatura sau o Ciorba de porc cu hrean.
Meatballs Greek-style Soup
We all know and most likely love Greek chicken soup. A delicious, simple soup made with cream, lemon and dill. Today we replace the chicken meat with delicious parsley flavored with green parsley. And because I wanted a light option, I gave up rice and sour cream, replacing the latter with Greek yogurt. It is a delicious soup, perfect for a summer day.
Since I really like the soups cooked with the Tefal One Pot, I chose this cooking method for this recipe as well. But, of course, the soup can be prepared in a similar way and in the classic version.
Clean and wash the vegetables. Dice 1 onion, celery, pepper, parsley root, parsnip and carrot. Pour 1.5 liters of hot water into the One Pot and add the vegetables and 1 teaspoon of salt. Choose the „Soup” function for 10 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the meatballs. My recommendation is to choose fresh chicken or turkey breast and minced it at home. On top of the minced meat, add 1 finely chopped onion and green parsley. Mix well and form the meatballs.
At the end of the „Soup” program, depressurize the pot and add the meatballs. Choose the „Soup” function again, for 15 minutes. At the end of the time depressurize.
In a deeper bowl, put the Greek yogurt or sour cream and add a spoonful of the soup, stirring constantly so as not to cut the soup by adding the cold yogurt. Mix then add lemon juice and finely chopped dill.
Serve the soup with fresh or pickled hot peppers and with great appetite.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for the Meatballs Greek-style Soup, I invite you to try a Greek-style Chicken Soup, a Cabbage Soup or a Horseradish Pork Soup.
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