Clatite sau cum sa aduci toata familia in bucatarie intr-o seara de weekend. Cu gem, ciocolata sau preferatele copiilor umplute cu zahar (😀), nu vor apuca, cu siguranta sa se raceasca. De data aceasta am ales varianta de clatite cu mac si sos de visine. O combinatie dulce – acrisoara, care ma duce cu gandul la cozonacul cu mac, favoritul meu.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
Pentru clatite / For pancakes
- 350 grame faina / 350 grams flour
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 500 ml lapte / 500 ml milk
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 250 ml apa minerala / 250 ml mineral water
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
- 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 2 lingurite coaja de lamaie / 2 teaspoons lemon zest
Pentru umplutura de mac / For poppy seeds filling
- 50 grame mac / 50 grams poppy seeds
- 50 grame zahar / 50 grams sugar
- 200 ml smantana dulce / 200 ml double cream
- 1 lingurita vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 praf de sare / 1 pinch of salt
Pentru sosul de visine / For sour cherry sauce
- 250 grame visine / 250 grams sour cherry
- 100 grame zahar / 100 grams sugar
- 1 lingurita amidon / 1 teaspoon corn starch
Reteta de clatite este simpla. Din ingredientele de mai sus, veti obtine in jur de 15 clatite, insa pentru aceasta reteta vom folosi doar 4, iar pe restul le puteti servi cu dulceata, ciocolata sau puteti creste proportional cantitatile pentru crema de mac.
In bolul mixerului adaugam ouale, sarea, vanilia, coaja de lamaie si mixam. Adaugam apoi, alternativ, faina si laptele mixand in continuu. La sfarsit adaugam untul topit si apa minerala.
Prajim clatitele intr-o tigaie antiaderenta fara adaos de ulei.
Pentru crema de mac, macinam macul cu ajutorul unei rasnite. Amestecam macul cu zaharul, vanilia, un praf de sare si smantana dulce. Fierbem macul pana obtinem o crema consistenta.
Impartim crema de mac in 4 parti egale si umplem fiecare clatita, apoi rulam si servim alaturi de sos de visine.
Pentru sosul de visine eu am folosit fructe inghetate pe care le-am lasat la dezghetat, apoi am adaugat zaharul si amidonul si le-am fiert timp de 5 minute.
Detaliile video ale reteti le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Clatite cu mac si sos de visine, va invit sa incercati si o portie de clatite cu branza, friganele cu fructe sau o portie de pancakes cu lamaie si ricotta.
Pancakes with poppy seeds and sourcherry sauce
Pancakes or how to bring the whole family to the kitchen on a weekend evening. With jam, chocolate or children’s favorites filled with sugar (😀), they will definitely not have the chance to get themselves cold. This time I chose the pancake version with poppy seeds and sourcherry sauce. A sweet-sour combination, which reminds me of my favorite poppy seed cake.
The pancake recipe is simple. From the ingredients above, you will get around 15 pancakes, but for this recipe we will use only 4 and you can enjoy the others with jam or chocolate.
In the bowl of the mixer add eggs, salt, vanilla, lemon zest and mix. Then, alternately, add flour and milk, mixing continuously. At the end, add melted butter and mineral water.
Fry the pancakes in a non-stick pan without adding oil.
For the poppy cream, grind the poppy with the help of a grinder. Mix the poppy seeds with sugar, vanilla, a pinch of salt and double cream. Boil the poppy until you get a consistent cream.
For the cherry sauce, use unfrozen sourcherries. Add sugar and starch and boiled them for 5 minutes.
Divide the poppy seed cream into 4 equal parts and fill each pancake, then roll and serve with cherry sauce.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for Pancakes with poppy seeds and sourcherry sauce, I invite you to try pancakes with cheese, french toast with fruit or a lemon and ricotta pancakes.
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