Toata lumea adora coastele de porc …. La gratar, la cuptor, picante sau acoperite de un sos BBQ sunt alegeri pe care le puteti face cam in orice restaurant. Dar ati incercat vreodata coaste de vita?
Gatite lent la cuptor astfel incat carnea sa fie extrem de frageda si sa se desprinda usor de pe os, aromate cu sos de usturoi copt si servite cu piure fin de cartofi si mix de broccoli si conopida, vor depasi orice asteptare.

(pentru 4 persoane / for 4 servings)
Pentru friptura:
- 1 kg coaste de vita / 1 kg veal short ribs
- 1 capatana de usturoi / 1 garlic
- Sare / Salt
- Piper / Pepper
- 4 linguri de ulei / 4 tablespoons oil
- 100 ml apa / 100 ml water
- 100 ml vin alb / 100 ml white wine
Pentru garnitura:
- 8 cartofi / 8 potatoes
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- 100 ml lapte / 100 ml milk
- Mix de conopida si broccoli / Cauliflower and broccoli mix
- 20 grame unt / 20 grams butter
- Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
- Sare / Salt

Incepem prin a pregati carnea. Taiem bucata de coasta in 4, urmand fiecare os. Presaram cu sare si lasam la temperatura camerei timp de 2 ore. Incingem uleiul intr-o oala de fonta si prajim bucatile de coasta cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte. Taiem usturoiul pe jumatate si il punem intre bucatile de carne. Turnam deasupra apa si vinul, acoperim cu un capac si introducem oala in cuptorul incins la 160 grade Celsius timp de 3 ore. Din cand in cand mai verificam daca sosul nu a scazut prea mult, iar daca este cazul mai adaugam putina apa.

Cand friptura este gata o scoatem din cuptor si o mai lasam la odihnit timp de 15 minute. Pentru sos, scoatem usturoiul si il curatam pastrand doar miezul cremos. Adaugam sosul de la friptura si mixam cu ajutorul unui blender.
Intre timp pregatim garnitura. De ceva vreme m-am imprietenit destul de bine cu aparatul de gatit la aburi de la Tefal. Legumele gatite cu ajutorul acestui steamer raman extrem de gustoase, colorate si pline de vitamine. Asadar, am pregatit legumele la abur. Pe un etaj am pus cartofii taiati cuburi si pe al doilea etaj am pus conopida si broccoli. Deoarece timpul de gatire este diferit, respectiv 30 de minute pentru cartofi si 20 de minute pentru conopida, am adaugat al doilea nivel dupa ce au trecut primele 10 minute.
Dupa ce legumele sunt fierte, amestecam conopida si broccoli-ul cu 20 de grame de unt, sare si fulgi de chilli. Pentru piure-ul de cartofi, zdrobim cartofii, adaugam untul, laptele si sarea si amestecam. Mie imi place sa il mixez cu ajutorul Kitchen Aid. Daca detineti un astfel de mixer sau similar, va recomand cu caldura sa il incercati.
Servim coastele de vita cu piure de cartofi, conopida si broccoli usor picante si sos aromat de usturoi copt si vin.

English version:
Veal short ribs with baked garlic and wine sauce
Everyone loves pork ribs …. grilled, baked, spicy or covered in a BBQ sauce are choices that you can make in almost any restaurant. But have you ever tried beef ribs?
Slowly cooked in the oven so that the meat is extremely tender and easily detached from the bone, flavored with baked garlic sauce and served with fine mashed potatoes and a mixture of broccoli and cauliflower, will exceed any expectations.
We start by preparing the meat. Cut the piece of rib into 4, following each bone. Sprinkle with salt and leave at room temperature for 2 hours. Heat the oil in a cast iron pot and fry the ribs for 2 minutes on each side. Cut the garlic in half and put it between the pieces of meat. Pour water and wine on top, cover with a lid and put the pot in the oven heated to 160 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. From time to time check if the sauce has not dropped too much, and if necessary add a little more water.
When the meat is ready, take it out of the oven and let it rest for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, remove the garlic and clean it, keeping only the creamy core. Add the steak sauce and mix with a blender.
When the meat is almost ready start to prepare the garnish. I become quite good friends with the steam cooker from Tefal. The vegetables cooked with this steamer remain extremely tasty, colorful and full of vitamins. So I steamed the vegetables. On one floor I put diced potatoes and on the second floor I put cauliflower and broccoli. Because the cooking time is different, respectively 30 minutes for potatoes and 20 minutes for cauliflower, I added the second level after the first 10 minutes.
After the vegetables are cooked, mix the cauliflower and broccoli with 20 grams of butter, salt and chilli flakes. For the mashed potatoes, mash the potatoes, add the butter, milk and salt and mix. I like to mix it with the help of Kitchen Aid. If you have such a mixer or similar, I highly recommend you try it.
Serve the short ribs with mashed potatoes, spicey cauliflower and broccoli and flavored sauce of baked garlic and wine.
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