Cu vara pe drum, acesta este momentul perfect pentru a incerca cateva retete noi de salate si abia astept sa va delectati cu salata mea gustoasa cu branza! Daca salatele ti se par plictisitoare dar adori branza, Creamy Cheese Salad este cu siguranta optiunea perfecta pentru tine.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 200 grame branza cremoasa / 200 grams creamy cheese
- 100 grame baby spanac / 100 grams baby spinach
- 200 grame rosii cherry / 200 grams cherry tomatoes
- 50 grame masline / 50 grams olives
- Crutoane integrale / Wholemeal croutons
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
Pe doua farfurii aranjam frunzele de salata si rosiile cherry taiate in jumatate. Adaugam maslinele, sarea si uleiul si amestecam.
Aranjam deasupra bucatele de branza cremoasa si crutoanele sau feliile de paine prajita.
Servim salata cu branza cremoasa cu multa pofta.
Daca v-a placut reteta Creamy Cheese Salad va invit sa incercati si Salata greceasca cu orzo, Salata de rosii sau Salata de fasole cu lime si menta.
English version
Creamy Cheese Salad
With summer on the way, this is the perfect time to try some new salad recipes and I can’t wait for you to enjoy my tasty cheese salad! If you find salads boring and you love cheese, Creamy Cheese Salad is definitely the perfect option for you.
Arrange the lettuce leaves and cherry tomatoes cut in half on two plates. Add the olives, salt and oil and mix.
Arrange on top the pieces of cream cheese and croutons or slices of toast bread.
Serve the creamy cheese salad with great appetite.
If you liked the Creamy Cheese Salad recipe, I invite you to try the Greek salad with orzo, Tomato Salad or Bean Salad with Lime and Mint.
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