Create (your own) Bagels


Duminica … nu este mic dejun, nu este pranz, nu este covrig, nu este chifla … si totusi ce este?

Sunt cele mai bune sandwich-uri pe care le-ati incercat vreodata. O combinatie delicioasa intre covrigi crocanti si chifle pufoase, acoperite cu tot felul de seminte, dupa gustul si placul fiecaruia.

Nu ne cenzuram nici atunci cand alegem umplutura sandwich-urilor. Si aici, democratia este destul de mare! 😀

Eu am ales: oua de prepelita de la Prepelitele lui Dan, cotlet de oaie afumat si carnati Plescoi uscati de la Mos Andrei, prosciutto crudo, prosciutto cotto, salata de ceapa murata, dulceata de ardei iute de la mama (fara link 😀), crema de branza, castraveti, avocado, mix de salata. Insa combinatiile pot fi nenumarate.

Asa cum am subliniat in postari, de fiecare data, cel mai indicat este sa alegem, pe cat posibil, produse locale. Astazi facem cunostinta cu “Mos Andrei”, un magazin cu produse bio traditionale. Eu am comandat produsele si mi-au fost livrate cu mult profesionalism acasa. Am incercat aproape toate produsele comandate si nu ma pot decide care este mai bun.

Despre “Prepelitele lui Dan”, v-am mai povestit aici.

Combinatiile pentru bagels au fost diverse. Practic a fost mai mult un “bagels bar“ in care fiecare a solicitat ce dorea in sandwich.

Doar cateva idei:

  • Dulceata de ardei iute, crema de branza, valeriana, salata de ceapa murata si cotlet de oaie afumat
  • Dulceata de ardei iute, crema de branza, valeriana, salata de ceapa murata, prosciutto crudo sau cotto
  • Crema de branza, avocado, castravete, baby spanac, prosciutto crudo
  • Scrambled eggs, din oua de prepelita, baby spanac, salata de ceapa murata, avocado si fulgi de chilli
  • Scrambled eggs din oua de prepelita, carnati Plescoi uscati, baby spanac, avocado si fulgi de chilli

English version:

Sunday … it’s not breakfast, it’s not lunch, it’s not pretzel, it’s not bun … and what is it then?

These are the best sandwiches you’ve ever tried. A delicious combination between crispy pretzels and fluffy buns, covered with all kinds of seeds, according to everyone’s taste.

We do not censor ourselves when we choose the filling of sandwiches. And here, democracy is pretty big! 😀

I chosed: quail eggs from Prepelitele lui Dan, smoked mutton chops and dried Plescoi sausages from Mos Andrei, prosciutto crudo, prosciutto cotto, pickled onion, hot pepper jam from my mother (no link 😀), cream cheese, cucumber, avocado, salad mix. But the combinations can be innumerable.

As I underlined in the posts, every time, it is best to choose, as much as possible, local products. Let me introduce „Mos Andrei„, a store with traditional organic products. I ordered the products and they were delivered to my home with a lot of professionalism. I have tried almost all the products ordered and I can’t decide which is better.

About Prepelitele lui Dan, I have told you here.

The combinations for bagels were various. It was basically more of a „bagels bar” where everyone had a special request.

  • Chili jam, cream cheese, valerian, pickled onion salad and smoked mutton cutlet
  • Chilli jam, cream cheese, valerian, pickled onion salad, prosciutto crudo or cotto
  • Cream cheese, avocado, cucumber, baby spinach , prosciutto crudo
  • Scrambled eggs, quail eggs, baby spinach, pickled onion salad, avocado and chilli flakes
  • Scrambled eggs from quail eggs, Dried Plescoi sausages, baby spinach, avocado and chilli flakes


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