Creveti cu usturoi & Popcorn


Pranz, cina sau doar un film cu o galeata de popcorn in brate? Sau de ce nu, o combinatie inedita a acestora?

Creveti marinati in usturoi, scaldati intr-un sos delicios de ardei copt si rosii proaspat culese din gradina, presarati cu un element surpriza.


(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)

  • 1 ardei kapia rosu copt / 1 red pepper baked
  • 4 rosii / 4 tomatoes
  • 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Sare / Salt
  • 1 lingurita zahar / 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Oregano / Oregano
  • Cimbru / Thyme
  • Chimen / Caraway
  • 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
  • Fulgi de chilli / Chilli flakes
  • Creveti / Shrimps
  • 4 felii paine integrala / 4 slices wholemeal bread
  • Popcorn / Popcorn

Pentru sos, curatam ardeiul copt si il taiem in cubulete mici. Incingem 2 linguri ulei de masline si adaugam ardeiul copt. Lasam la foc mediu spre mare timp de 1 minut apoi adaugam rosiile decojite si taiate in cubulete mici. Continuam sa gatim timp de 3 minute si adaugam zaharul, sare, oregano, cimbru, chimen si 2 catei de usturoi pisat. Condimentele le adaugam dupa gustul fiecaruia. Mai gatim 2-3 minute amestecand in mod constant.

Intre timp, presaram crevetii cu sare, 1 catel de usturoi pisat si fulgi de chilli si ii lasam la marinat la frigider timp de o ora. Intr-o tigaie, incingem o lingura ulei de masline si adaugam crevetii. Ii pregatim timp de 3 minute.

Pe o farfurie asezam feliile de paine prajita, sosul de ardei si rosii, crevetii si presaram bucatele mici de popcorn.

Servim cu multa pofta!

English version:

Garlic Shrimsps & Popcorn

Lunch, dinner or just a movie with a bucket of popcorn in your arms? Or why not, an original combination of them?

Shrimp marinated in garlic, in a delicious sauce of baked peppers and fresh tomatoes picked from the garden sprinkled with a surprise element.

For the sauce, peel the baked pepper and cut it into small cubes. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and add the baked pepper. Leave on medium to high heat for 1 minute then add the peeled tomatoes and cut into small cubes. Continue to cook for 3 minutes and add sugar, salt, oregano, thyme, caraway and 2 cloves of crushed garlic. Add the spices according to your taste. Cook for another 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.

Meanwhile, sprinkle the shrimp with salt, 1 clove of crushed garlic and chilli flakes. Leave them to marinate in the fridge for an hour. In a pan, heat a tablespoon of olive oil and add the shrimp. Cook them for 3 minutes.

Place the slices of toast, pepper and tomato sauce, shrimp on a plate and sprinkle the small pieces of popcorn.

Serve with a lot of appetite!


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