Daca esti in cautarea unei retete faine cu peste, astazi va propun Dorada la cuptor cu legume. Bine condimentat, asociat cu legume de sezon si mai ales usor de preparat, iata masa de pranz pentru o zi perfecta de weekend! Patrunjelul verde, usturoiul si uleiul de masline sunt condimentele simple si in acelasi timp extrem de gustoase care vor transforma acest peste intr-o experienta culinara.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 2 dorade / 2 sea breams
- 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
- 1 legatura patrunjel verde / 1 bunch parsley
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 4 cartofi / 4 potatoes
- 1 ardei kapia / 1 red pepper
- 2 cepe / 2 red
- 300 grame rosii cherry / 300 grams cherry tomatoes
- 150 ml bere neagra / 150 ml dark beer
- 1/2 lamaie / 1/2 lemon
- Sare / Salt
Curatam dorada de solzi si o spalam bine in interior. Uscam pestele cu un servet absobant si il presaram cu sare atat in interior cat si pe exterior. Crestam dorada cu un cutit bine ascutit, pe ambele parti de 3 ori pe diagonala.
In bolul unui blender mixam usturoiul, patrunjelul, 1 lingura de ulei de masline si 1/2 lingurita sare. Folosim acest amestec pentru a condimenta pestele. Introducem mix-ul de patrunjel in interiorul pestelui si in taieturile exterioare. Impachetam pestele in folie de aluminiu si lasam la rece pentru 3 – 4 ore.
Pentru pregatirea legumelor spalam bine cartofii si ii taiem in felii subtiri. Fierbem cartofii la abur timp de 15 minute. Taiem si ardeiul kapia si ceapa in felii mai groase.
Ungem apoi o tava cu o lingura de ulei de masline si punem feliile de legume. Asezam pestele peste legume. Punem in fiecare taietura a doradei cate o jumatate de felie de lamaie. Aranjam si rosiile cherry, stropim cu o lingura de ulei de masline si berea neagra. Coacem in cuptoul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 35 – 40 de minute pana cand este frumos rumenit.
Servim pestele cu legume, mujdei de usturoi si un pahar din cel mai nou si mai elegant vin de la Crama Strămutată, Protocol, un Sauvignon Blanc plin de viata, cu note de soc si arome puternice de agrise, iarba salbatica si lamaie verde; proaspat la gust cu tonuri minerale.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Dorada la cuptor cu legume, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Oven Baked Sea Bream with Vegetables
If you’re looking for a delicious fish recipe, today I’d like to propose an Oven Baked Sea Bream with Vegetables. Well seasoned, associated with seasonal vegetables and above all easy to prepare, here is the lunch for a perfect weekend day! Green parsley, garlic and olive oil are the simple and at the same time extremely tasty spices that will transform this fish into a culinary experience.
Clean the bream of scales and wash it well inside. Dry it with an absorbent napkin and sprinkle it with salt both inside and outside. Cut the sea bream with a well-sharpened knife, on both sides 3 times diagonally.
In the bowl of a blender, mix garlic, parsley, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Use this mixture to season the fish. Introduce the parsley mix inside the fish and in the outer cuts. Wrap the fish in aluminum foil and let it cool for 3-4 hours.
To prepare the vegetables, wash the potatoes well and cut them into thin slices. Steam the potatoes for 15 minutes. Cut the pepper and the onion into thicker slices.
Then grease a tray with a spoonful of olive oil and put the vegetable slices. Place the fish over the vegetables. Put half a lemon slice in each cut of the sea bream. Arrange the cherry tomatoes, sprinkle with a spoonful of olive oil and dark beer. Bake in the hot oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 35 – 40 minutes until it is nicely browned.
Serve the fish with vegetables, garlic sauce and a glass of the newest and most elegant wine from Crama Stramutata, Protocol, a full-bodied Sauvignon Blanc, with notes of elderberry and strong aromas of gooseberries, wild grass and green lemon; fresh on the palate with mineral tones.
If you liked sea bream in the oven with vegetables, I invite you to try Baked crucian carp, Sea Bream in Vegetables Sauce or Branzino al Forno.
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