Aveti chef azi de ceva super lejer si rapid pentru masa de pranz? Dorada la cuptor cu salata Fattoush va fi cu siguranta pe placul vostru. Pestele gatit la cuptor sau pe gratar servit alaturi de o salata Fattoush proaspata si aromata va vor purta cu gandul catre malul marii Mediterane.
(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
- 3 bucati dorada / 3 pieces sea bream
- 6 linguri ulei de masline / 6 tablespoons olive oil
- 150 grame branza feta / 150 grams feta cheese
- 100 grame iaurt grecesc / 100 grams greek jogurt
- 1 catel usturoi / 1 garlic clove
- 250 grame rosii cherry / 250 grams cherry tomatoes
- 4 ridichi / 4 radishes
- 2 castraveti / 2 cucumbers
- 1 ceapa rosie / 1 red onion
- 2 lipii / 2 pita breads
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde tocat marunt / 2 tableapoons finely chopped parsley
- 2 linguri menta tocata marunt / 2 tablespoons finely chopped mint
- 1 lingurita za’atar / 1 teaspoon za’atar
- 1 lingurita sumac / 1 teaspoon sumac
- 1 lamaie / 1 lemon
- Sare / Salt
Curatam pestele, il uscam bine cu un servet absorbant, il presaram cu sare si il ungem cu 3 linguri de ulei de masline. Il asezam pe o tava cu gratar sau direct in tava pe hartie de copt. Acoperim pestele cu cateva felii de lamaie si introducem tava in cuptorul incins la 170 grade Celsius timp de 35 – 40 minute.
Intre timp pregatim salata si crema de feta. In bolul mixerului adaugam branza feta, iaurtul, usturoiul si 1 lingura de ulei de masline. Mixam usor si rasturnam crema obtinuta intr-o farfurie adanca.
Taiem lipiile in triunghiuri mici, le stropim cu putin ulei de masline si le prajim intr-o tigaie grill timp de cateva minute pana sunt frumos rumenite.
Pentru salata, taiem castravetii in cuburi mici, ridichile si ceapa in felii si rosiile in jumatati. Amestecam toate ingredientele si adaugam patrunjel verde, menta, sare, sucul de la jumatate de lamaie, za’atar, sumac si 2 linguri de ulei de masline. La sfarsit adaugam bucatelele de lipie si amestecam. Rasturnam salata peste crema de feta.
Servim dorada la cuptor cu salata Fattoush si crema de feta si iaurt.
Daca v-a placut reteta Dorada la cuptor cu salata Fattoush, va recomand sa incercati si un Peste cu legume la cuptor, o Tigaie cu novac cu sos de sepie si creveti sau un Pastrav la cuptor cu crema de mamaliga.
Baked sea bream with Fattoush salad
Are you in the mood for something super light and quick for lunch today? Baked sea bream with Fattoush salad will definitely like you. Fish cooked in the oven or on the grill served with a fresh and flavorful Fattoush salad will take you to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Clean the fish, dry it well with an absorbent napkin, sprinkle it with salt and grease it with 3 tablespoons of olive oil. Place it on a tray with a grill or directly in the tray on baking paper. Cover the fish with a few slices of lemon and place the tray in the oven heated to 170 degrees Celsius for 35-40 minutes.
Meanwhile, prepare the salad and feta cream. In the bowl of the mixer add the feta cheese, yogurt, garlic and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix lightly and pour the cream obtained in a deep plate.
Cut the pita bread into small triangles, sprinkle them with a small quantity of olive oil and fry them in a grill pan for a few minutes until nicely browned.
For the salad, cut the cucumbers into small cubes, sliced onions and radishes and the tomatoes in halves. Mix all the ingredients and add the green parsley, mint, salt, the juice of half a lemon, the za’atar, the sumac and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. At the end, add the pieces of pita bread and mix. Pour the salad over the feta cream.
Serve the baked sea bream with Fattoush salad and feta cream and yogurt.
If you liked the Baked sea bream recipe with Fattoush salad, I recommend you try a Baked fish with vegetables, a Carp with squid and shrimps sauce hot pan or a Baked Trout with Polenta Cream.
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