V-au mai ramas cateva chifle pufoase? Le puteti pune in valoare intr-un eggs burger pentru micul dejun sau brunch.
O combinatie inedita pentru micul dejun: ou ochi, bacon, branza gouda, legume si un sos delicios de maioneza de avocado.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 4 chifle / 4 buns
- 4 oua / 4 eggs
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 1 lingurita de mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 lingurita ulei de masline / 1 teaspoon olive oil
- 1 lingurita suc de lamaie / 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 3 lingurite apa minerala / 3 teaspoons mineral water
- 2 lingurite smantana / 2 teaspoons sour cream
- Sare / Salt
- 4 felii branza gouda pentru gratar / 4 felii gouda cheese
- 8 felii bacon / 8 bacon slices
- Rosii / Tomato
- Ceapa rosie / Red onion

Pentru sosul de maioneza punem in blender avocado, mustarul, sucul de lamaie, apa minerala, uleiul de masline, smantana si sarea si mixam pana cand obtinem un sos de consistenta maionezei.
Intre timp prajim feliile de bacon intr-o tigaie grill. Apoi pregatim tot la grill branza gouda. Mie mi-a placut foarte mult branza in crusta de seminte de susan (gasiti reteta aici), insa puteti sa o pregatiti si simplu la gratar. La sfarsit pregatiti si ouale ochiuri.
Pentru asamblare taiem chiflele in doua si adaugam maioneza de avocado, o felie de rosie, ceapa, branza, bacon si oul ochi.

English version:
Eggs Burger
Do you have a few fluffy buns left over? You can highlight them in an eggs burger for breakfast or brunch.
A unique combination for breakfast: fried egg, bacon, gouda cheese, vegetables and a delicious avocado mayonnaise sauce.
For the mayonnaise sauce, put in the blender avocado, mustard, lemon juice, mineral water, olive oil, sour cream and salt and mix until you get a sauce of mayonnaise consistency.
Meanwhile, fry the bacon slices in a grill pan. Then grill gouda cheese. I really liked the cheese in sesame seed crust (find the recipe here), but you can simply prepare it on the grill. At the end, prepare the fried eggs.
For assembly, cut the buns in half and add avocado mayonnaise, a slice of tomato, onion, cheese, bacon and egg yolk.