Espresso Beans


Espresso Beans – Un Twist Modern in Bucataria Traditionala. Cand vine vorba de inovatie in bucatarie, combinarea ingredientelor clasice cu elemente surprinzatoare poate transforma un preparat simplu intr-o experienta culinara memorabila. Astazi, va prezentam o reteta care imbina robustetea fasolei cu intensitatea cafelei espresso, creand un fel de mancare care va stimula si va incanta papilele gustative. Aceasta reteta este mai mult decat o simpla mancare – este o aventura culinara. In combinatie cu dulceata morcovului, gustul picant al ardeiului iute si textura cremoasa a fasolei, espresso-ul transforma acest preparat intr-o experienta unica. Espresso Beans este o dovada ca traditia si inovatia pot merge mana in mana in bucatarie, creand preparate care sa ne surprinda si sa ne delecteze simturile. Incercati aceasta reteta si lasati-va inspirati de posibilitatile infinite ale combinatiilor de arome.

Espresso beans

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)

  • 400 grame fasole din conserva
  • 50 grame ceapa
  • 100 grame morcov
  • 1/4 ardei iute rosu
  • 20 grame unt
  • 50 ml apa
  • 50 ml espresso
  • 1 lingura pasta de tomate
  • 1 lingurita otet de cidru de mere
  • 1 lingurita mica zahar
  • Sare
  • Piper
Espresso beans

Incepem prin a taia ceapa si ardeiul marunt si a da morcovul pe razatoarea mica. Calim legumele alaturi de unt si 50 ml apa timp de 5 minute, amestecand ocazional.

Espresso beans

Adaugam apoi cafeaua espresso, pasta de tomate, zaharul, sarea, piperul si cidrul de mere. Gatim la foc mic spre mediu timp de 10 minute.

Adaugam fasolea boabe din conserva scursa si clatita anterior si gatim inca 2 minute.

Espresso beans

Servim fierbinte alaturi de felii de paine prajita, pentru a absorbi toate sucurile si aromele acestui preparat.

Espresso beans

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Espresso Beans, va invit sa incercati si:

Salata de fasole cu lime si menta
Iahnie de fasole cu ciolan afumat
Spooky Pumpkin Salad

Espresso Beans

Espresso Beans – A Modern Twist in Traditional Cuisine. When it comes to innovation in the kitchen, combining classic ingredients with surprising elements can transform a simple dish into a memorable culinary experience. Today, we present you a recipe that combines the robustness of beans with the intensity of espresso coffee, creating a kind of food that will stimulate and delight your taste buds. This recipe is more than just a meal – it’s a culinary adventure. In combination with the sweetness of the carrot, the spicy taste of the hot pepper and the creamy texture of the beans, the espresso transforms this dish into a unique experience. Espresso Beans is proof that tradition and innovation can go hand in hand in the kitchen, creating dishes that surprise and delight our senses. Try this recipe and let yourself be inspired by the infinite possibilities of flavor combinations.

INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)

  • 400 grams canned beans
  • 50 grams onion
  • 100 grams carrot
  • 1/4 red hot pepper
  • 20 grams butter
  • 50 ml water
  • 50 ml espresso
  • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 small teaspoon sugar
  • Salt
  • Pepper

Start by cutting the onion and small pepper and grate the carrot. Saute the vegetables with butter and 50 ml of water for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Then add the espresso coffee, tomato paste, sugar, salt, pepper and apple cider. Cook on low to medium heat for 10 minutes.

Add the beans from the can, previously drained and rinsed and cook for another 2 minutes.

Serve hot with slices of toast bread, to absorb all the juices and flavors of this dish.

If you liked Espresso beans recipes, I invite you to try a Lime Mint Bean Salad, White Bean Stew with Smoked Hock or a Spooky Pumpkin Salad.


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