Happy ONE


54.000 de vizualizari, 34.000 vizitatori unici, 210 postari si 1 an. Un an plin de provocari, retete maestre, poze spectaculoase. Un an plin de pasiune, inconjurata de voi, fanii “Inspiratie la Fix”.

Acum un an am plecat in aceasta calatorie culinara, apasand pentru prima oara “publica” pentru celebra Paella Valenciana. Am trecut apoi prin colturile lumii din Italia in Franta, din China in Liban, apoi la celebrii burgeri americani, gustoasele fructe de mare, multe platouri internationale si brunch-uri senzationale.

Am facut si inconjurul lumii in editia speciala “Ocolul Pamantului in 80 de retete”.

Acesta a fost doar inceputul! Povestea va continua cu multe, multe proiecte noi!

English version

54,000 views, 34,000 unique visitors, 210 posts and 1 year. A year full of challenges, master recipes, spectacular pictures. A year full of passion, surrounded by you, „Inspiration to Fix” fans.

This year I went on this culinary journey, pressing for the first time „public” for the famous Valencian Paella. Then we passed through the corners of the world from Italy to France, from China to Lebanon, then to the famous American burgers, tasty seafood and many international dishes and sensational brunches.

I also traveled around the world in the special edition „Around the Earth in 80 Recipes”.

This was just the beginning! The story will continue with many, many new projects!


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