In 💜 with Brunch


Lazy and cosy morning!

Aceasta este definitia perfecta a brunch-ului.

Inspiratia de azi este din bucataria italiana. Insa voi lasa pozele sa vorbeasca de la sine.

Platourile de antipasto pot fi create dupa gustul fiecaruia. Eu am ales o selectie de mezeluri, mozzarela, masline marinate cu oregano, ulei de masline, usturoi si salata de rosii cu usturoi si busuioc.

Servim alaturi de flatbread calda cu ulei de masline si fulgi de sare cu usturoi.

Si evident cu un Hugo “summer edition”.

Pentru Hugo aveti nevoie de: 200 ml prosecco, 50 ml apa minerala, 3 lingurite sirop de soc, lamaie, menta, zmeura si gheata.

Si chiar daca ziua incepe mai tarziu, cu siguranta va fi absolut perfecta!

English version:

Lazy and cosy morning!

Today’s inspiration is from Italian cuisine. But I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

The antipasto plates can be created according to everyone’s taste. I chose a selection of meat, mozzarella, olives marinated with oregano, olive oil, garlic and tomato salad with garlic and basil.

Serve with warm flatbread with olive oil and salt flakes with garlic.

And obviously with a Hugo „summer edition”.

For Hugo you need: 200 ml prosecco, 50 ml mineral water, 3 teaspoons of shock syrup, lemon, mint, raspberry and ice.

And even if the day starts later, it will definitely be absolutely perfect!


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