Mamaliga prajita cu trufe si carnati este genul de reteta potrivita unei zile geroase de iarna. Mamaliga calda cu o crusta usor crocanta, aromata cu trufe alaturi de carnati de casa prajiti si acompaniata de o salata asortata de muraturi.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 cana malai / 1 cup corn flour
- 4 cani apa / 4 cups water
- 75 grame unt / 75 grams butter
- 50 grame branza cu trufe / 50 grams truffle cheese
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru / 1/2 teaspoon thyme
Pregatim o mamaliga clasica cu malai, apa si sare. Eu am folosit Tefal One Pot, functia “Oatmeal”, timp de 10 minute. Cand mamaliga este gata, adaugam 50 grame de unt si branza cu trufe, amestecand bine. Ungem o tava cu o lingura de ulei de masline si rasturnam mamaliga. Lasam la racit cateva ore, apoi decupam forme rotunde sau putem taia patrate cu ajutorul unui cutit. Incingem intr-o tigaie restul de ulei si unt, adaugam cimbrul si prajim mamaliga pe ambele parti pana cand este frumos rumenita.
Intre timp pregatim carnatii. Taiem carnatii in felii subtiri si ii prajim timp de cateva minute pana cand sunt frumos rumeniti. Recomandarea mea este sa folositi carnati de casa proaspeti si afumati.
Gasiti aici detaliile video ale retetei.
Servim mamaliga prajita cu carnati si salata de muraturi asortate.
Daca v-a placut Mamaliga prajita cu trufe si carnati, va recomand sa incercati si un bulz cu branza & mix de coaste si carnati afumati la garnita, o tochitura romaneasca cu crema de mamaliga sau niste pulpe de pui cu usturoi.
English version
Fried truffles polenta with sausages
Fried truffles polenta with sausages is the kind of recipe suitable for a frosty winter day. Hot polenta with a slightly crunchy crust, flavored with truffles with fried homemade sausages and accompanied by a assorted pickle salad.
Prepare a classic polenta with corn flour, water and salt. I used the Tefal One Pot, the „Oatmeal” function, for 10 minutes. When the polenta is ready, add 50 grams of butter and cheese with truffles, mixing well. Grease a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil and turn the polenta over. Let cool for a few hours, then cut round shapes or cut squares with a knife. Heat the rest of the oil and butter in a pan, add the thyme and fry the polenta on both sides until it is nicely browned.
In the meantime, prepare the sausages. Cut the sausages into thin slices. My recommendation is to use fresh and smoked homemade sausage. Fry the sausage slices for a few minutes until nicely browned.
Find here the video details of the recipe.
Serve the sausage fried with sausage and assorted pickle salad.
If you liked fried truffles polenta sausages, I recommend you try polenta with cheese & mix rib and smoked sausages, a Romanian stew with polenta cream or some chicken with garlic sauce and polenta.
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