Micul dejun este startul potrivit pentru fiecare zi. Iar daca il incepem cu un mic rasfat, ziua va deveni cu siguranta mai buna.

Avand la baza aproximativ aceleasi ingrediente, astazi va prezint 2 variante dupa gustul si placul celor de la masa.

(pentru 2 persoane / for 2 servings)
- 2 oua / 2 eggs
- 4 felii de pastrama de curcan sau prosciutto / 2 slices turkey pastrami or prosciutto
- 1 felie paine integrala si/sau 1 croissant / 1 slice wholemeal bread or 1 croissant
- 2 rosii / 2 tomatos
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 4 cepe verzi / 4 green onions
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- Ardei iute / Hot pepper
- Suc de lamaie / Lemon juice
- Sare / Salt
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoon olive oil

Pentru salata, taiem rosia cubulete. Taiem ceapa si zdrobim usturoiul. Adaugam peste rosii jumatate din cantitatea de ceapa si usturoi, 1 lingurita de ulei de masline si sare.
Pentru guacamole, punem avocado intr-un bol. Stropim cu suc de lamaie si adaugam restul de ceapa, usturoi, 1 bucatica mica de ardei iute taiata marunt, 1 lingurita de ulei de masline si sare dupa gust. Strivim tot amestecul cu ajutorul unei furculite.

Pentru ochiuri, incingem intr-o tigaie restul de ulei de masline (tigaia este doar unsa cu ulei, nicidecum baie de ulei). Spargem ouale in tigaie si le gatim sub capac.
Pentru asamblare, distribuim avocado pe felia de paine sau pe croissantul taiat pe jumatate. Adaugam feliile de pastrama sau prosciutto, dupa preferintele fiecaruia. Deasupra adaugam oul ochi. Eu am adaugat la sfarsit cativa fulgi de chilli.

Care este varianta voastra preferata?

English version:
Breakfast is the perfect start to the day. And if we start it with a little spoil, the day will definitely become better.
Based on approximately the same ingredients, today I present 2 options according to your taste.
For the salad, cut the tomatoes into cubes. Cut the onion and crush the garlic. Add over the tomato half the amount of onion and garlic, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and salt.
For guacamole, put avocado in a bowl. Sprinkle with lemon juice and add the rest of the onion, garlic, 1 small piece of finely chopped hot pepper, 1 teaspoon of olive oil and salt to taste. Crush the whole mixture with a fork.
For the fried eggs, heat the rest of the olive oil in a pan (the pan is only greased with oil, not an oil bath). Break the eggs in the pan and cook them under the lid.
For assembly, we distribute avocados on the slice of bread or on the croissant cut in half. Add the slices of pastrami or prosciutto, according to everyone’s preferences. On top add the fried egg. I added a few chilli flakes on top.
Which one is your favorite?
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