Mini baghete cu cartofi


Mana sus cine are chef de mini baghete cu cartofi, super gustoase! Daca va e pofta de o pufosenie, trebuie neaparat sa incercati aceasta reteta de paine pe baza de cartofi.

Mini baghete cu cartofi


(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)

  • 650 grame faina / 650 grams flour
  • 350 ml apa calda / 350 ml warm water
  • 25 grame drojdie proaspata / 25 grams fresh yeast
  • 300 grame cartofi / 300 grams potatoes
  • 1 lingura zahar / 1 tablespoons sugar
  • 50 ml ulei / 50 ml olive oil
  • 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3 lingurite de gris / 3 teaspoons semolina
Mini baghete cu cartofi

Primul pas este sa pregatim cartofii. Ii spalam bine si ii fierbem in coaja. Eu am ales sa ii fierb la abur folosind Tefal One Pot, functia “Steam” pentru 30 de minute. Cat timp sunt calzi ii pasam cu ajutorul unui instrument pentru zdrobit cartofi.

Intr-un bol cernem faina. In mijloc asezam drojdia, zaharul si jumatate din apa. Lasam la dospit 15 minute, apoi adaugam cartofii reci, restul de faina, apa si sarea si framantam. La sfarsit adaugam uleiul si mai framantam timp de 5 minute. Lasam la dospit timp de 1 ora, apoi rasturnam aluatul pe un blat infainat. Il impartim in 6 bucati egale din care formam mini baghete, le presaram cu gris si le asezam intr-o tava. Le mai lasam la dospit 45 de minute si le crestam apoi cu ajutorul unui cutit bine ascutit sau cu o lama.

Mini baghete cu cartofi

Coacem baghetele timp de 30 de minute la 240 grade Celsius. Servim baghetele atat calde cat si reci. Ele se pastreaza extrem de bine pentru 2-3 zile.

Mini baghete cu cartofi

Reteta video o puteti gasi aici.

Mini baghete cu cartofi

Daca v-a placut reteta de mini baghete cu cartofi, va invit sa incercati si baghete cu cimbru, baghete integrale sau reteta simpla de baghete clasice.

English version

Mini baguettes with potatoes

Hands up who wants a mini baguette with potatoes, super tasty! If you have a craving for fluff, you should definitely try this potato bread recipe.

The first step is to prepare the potatoes. Wash them well and boil them. I chose to steam them using Tefal One Pot, the „Steam” function for 30 minutes. While they are warm, pass them with the help of a potato crusher.

In a bowl, sift the flour. In the middle place the yeast, sugar and half of the water. Leave to rise for 15 minutes, then add the cold potatoes, the rest of the flour, water and salt, then knead. At the end, add the oil and knead for another 5 minutes. Leave to rise for 1 hour, then pour the dough on a floured table. Divide it into 6 equal pieces and form mini-sticks, sprinkle them with semolina and place them in a tray. Leave them to rise for another 45 minutes and then cut them with a sharp knife or a blade.

Bake the baguettes for 30 minutes at 240 degrees Celsius. Serve hot or cold.

If you liked the recipe for mini baguettes with potatoes, I invite you to try the baguettes with thyme, wholemeal baguettes or the simple recipe for clasaic baguetttes.


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