Painea facuta in casa are un farmec aparte, iar aroma ei calda si primitoare ne aduce aminte de zilele in care bunicii petreceau ore in sir in bucatarie, pregatind-o cu drag pentru familie. Astazi, va invit sa redescoperim impreuna placerea de a face paine acasa, cu o reteta simpla si delicioasa de mini baghete crocante. Sper ca va veti bucura de procesul de a face paine acasa si ca aceste mini baghete vor aduce un strop de bucurie in bucataria voastra.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 9 bucati)
- 330 ml apa calda
- 20 grame drojdie proaspata
- 500 grame faina pentru paine
- 1 ½ linguriță sare
- 1 lingurita ulei
- 1 lingura gris
Pentru pregatirea aluatului, incepem prin a amesteca apa cu drojdia intr-un bol, lasand compozitia la temperatura camerei timp de 10 minute. Adaugam apoi faina si sarea, mixand bine pana obtinem un aluat omogen. Ungem un bol cu o lingurita de ulei si adaugam aluatul sub forma de sfera, lasandu-l sa dospeasca, acoperit cu un prosop, timp de o ora.
Dupa ce aluatul a dospit, il rasturnam pe un blat infainat si il taiem in 9 bucati egale. Modelam fiecare bucata sub forma de sul si le lasam sa dospeasca inca 20 de minute, acoperite cu prosop.
Pudram fiecare bagheta cu gris si le modelam sub forma de dreptunghi, apoi le rulam si inchidem capetele. Le asezam pe o tava, presarandu-le, daca dorim, cu un mix de seminte. Le acoperim cu un prosop si le lasam sa dospeasca inca 45 de minute.
Cu 20 de minute inainte de terminarea timpului de dospire, punem 2 tavi in partea de jos a cuptorului si preincalzim cuptorul la 250°C. Crestam baghetele si le introducem in cuptor, turnand apa clocotita in tava de pe sina inferioara. Coacem baghetele timp de 20 de minute. Coacerea cu abur va ajuta la obtinerea unei cruste crocante si a unui miez pufos.
Lasam mini baghetele sa se raceasca timp de 15-20 de minute inainte de servire.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placit reteta de mini baghete, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Mini Baguettes
Homemade bread has a special charm, and its warm and inviting aroma reminds us of the days when grandparents spent hours in the kitchen, lovingly preparing for the family. Today, I invite you to rediscover together the pleasure of making bread at home, with a simple and delicious recipe for crispy mini baguettes. I hope you will enjoy the process of making bread at home and that these mini baguettes will bring a touch of joy to your kitchen.
INGREDIENTS (for 9 pieces)
- 330 ml hot water
- 20 grams fresh yeast
- 500 grams bread flour
- 1 ½ teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon oil
- 1 tablespoon semolina
To prepare the dough, start by mixing water and yeast in a bowl, leaving the mixture at room temperature for 10 minutes. Then add the flour and salt, mixing well until we get a homogeneous dough. Grease a bowl with a teaspoon of oil and add the dough in the form of a sphere, leaving it to rise, covered with a towel, for an hour.
After the dough has risen, turn it onto a floured surface and cut it into 9 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a roll and let them rise for another 20 minutes, covered with a towel.
Dust each baguette with semolina and shape them into a rectangle, then roll them up and close the ends. We place them on a tray, sprinkling them, if we wish, with a mix of seeds. We cover them with a towel and let them rest for another 45 minutes.
20 minutes before the end of the leavening time, place 2 trays at the bottom of the oven and preheat the oven to 250°C. After the baguettes are raised insert them into the oven, pouring the boiling water into the tray on the lower rail. Bake the baguettes for 20 minutes. Steam baking will help to obtain a crispy crust and a fluffy core.
Let the mini baguettes cool for 15-20 minutes before serving.
If you liked the recipe for mini baguettes, I invite you to try Mini baguettes with potatoes, Thyme Baguettes or Wholemeal baguettes.
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