Omaira Eiland Vishandel Amsterdam


Aflati (ca de obicei 😊) in cautarea unor localuri “ascunse”, am descoperit Omaira Eiland, un mic restaurant cu specific pescaresc, aflat departe de zona comerciala, atat din punct de vedere a pozitiei, cat si din punct de vedere al conceptului.

Locatia nu impresioneaza cu nimic, insa, daca sunteti fani peste si fructe de mare, merita sa il treceti pe lista de “to do” a vacantei.

Restaurantul este extrem de simplu…un amalgam de fast-food si piata, in care intri si iti alegi, din vitrinele ticsite cu diverse sortimente de peste si fructe de mare, ceea ce iti place. Avand pret unic, totul se cantareste si se pregateste in fata ta.

Orientativ, pretul unui astfel de platou ajunge la maxim 50 euro.

Ar mai fi de mentionat ca proprietarii sunt musulmani, ceea ce inseamna ca nu servesc bauturi alcoolice. Un alt minus, il reprezinta mirosul “fantastic” cu care parasesti localul. 😜

Insa aceste minusuri sunt mici in comparatie cu experienta in sine.

English version:

Looking for „hidden” places (as usual 😊) , I discovered Omaira Eiland, a small restaurant with fish specialties, located far from the commercial area, both in terms of position and in terms of concept.

The location does not impress at all. But if you are a fan of fish and seafood, it worth to have it on the „to do” list of the holiday.

The restaurant is extremely simple…an amalgam of fast food and market, in which you enter and choose from the showcases with various assortments of fish and seafood what you like. With an unique price, everything is weighed and prepared in front of you.

As a guide, the price of such a plate reaches a maximum of 50 euros.

It should also be mentioned that the owners are Muslims, which means that they do not serve alcoholic drinks. Another minus is the „fantastic” smell with which you leave the place 😜

But these disadvantages are small compared with the experience itself.


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