Pentru micul dejun, toata lumea ar trebui sa incerce aceste oua coapte in sos de ricotta si crusta de prosciutto. De ce? Sunt atat de bune! Cred ca toata lumea iubeste un mic dejun delicios, usor de executat si fabulos alaturi de o felie de paine prajita crocanta. Ouale moi peste un amestec de branza ricotta aromat cu cimbru te vor umple cu energia de care ai nevoie pentru a-ți incepe ziua perfect!
(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
- 6 felii prosciutto / 6 slices prosciutto
- 6 oua / 6 eggs
- 100 grame ricotta / 100 grams ricotta
- 150 grame smantana dulce / 150 grams double cream
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lingurita cimbru / 1/2 teaspoon thyme
- Sare / Salt
- 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
Intr-un bol mixam branza ricotta, usturoiul zdrobit, 100 grame smantana dulce, cimbrul si sare dupa gust.
Ungem 3 forme ceramice termorezistente cu ulei de masline. In fiecare forma aranjam pe margine cate 2 felii de prosciutto. Impartim amestecul de ricotta in cele 3 forme si adaugam deasupra cate 2 oua. Turnam deasupra smantana dulce ramasa si presaram cu sare si cimbru.
Acoperim formele cu capac si le punem intr-o tava de copt. Adaugam apa fierbinte in tava pana la jumatea formelor si introducem in cuptorul incins la 180 grade Celsius pentru 20 de minute. In cazul in care doriti ouale mai bine facute, cresteti timpul de coacere cu 5 – 10 minute.
Servim acest mic dejun delicios alaturi de paine prajita si evident o cafea fierbinte.
Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Oua coapte in sos de ricotta si crusta de prosciutto, va recomand sa incercati si Oua turcesti cu ricotta, Oua en Cocotte sau Oua turcesti cu unt picant si crema de feta.
English version
Baked Eggs in Ricotta and Prosciutto Crust
For breakfast, everyone should try these baked eggs in ricotta sauce and prosciutto crust. Why? They are so good! I think everyone loves a delicious, easy and fabulous breakfast with a slice of crispy toast. Soft eggs over a mixture of ricotta cheese flavored with thyme will fill you with the energy you need to start your day perfectly!
In a bowl, mix ricotta cheese, crushed garlic, 100 grams of doublecream, thyme and salt to taste.
Grease 3 heat-resistant ceramic molds with olive oil. In each shape, arrange 2 slices of prosciutto on the edge. Divide the ricotta mixture into the 3 shapes and add 2 eggs on top. Pour the remaining double cream on top and sprinkle with salt and thyme.
Cover the shapes with a lid and put them in a baking tray. Add hot water to the tray until half the forms are filled and place in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. If you want well done eggs, increase the baking time by 5 – 10 minutes.
Serve this delicious breakfast with toast and obviously hot coffee.
You can find the video details of the recipe here.
If you liked the recipe for Baked eggs in ricotta sauce and prosciutto crust, I recommend you also try Turkish eggs with ricotta, Eggs en Cocotte or Turkish eggs with spicy butter and feta cream.
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