Intr-o lume plina de retete sofisticate si ingrediente exotice, uneori cele mai simple preparate culinare ne pot aduce cele mai mari bucurii. Un exemplu perfect al acestui concept este reprezentat de ouale umplute – un aperitiv clasic, incarcat cu gust si versatilitate, care a rezistat trecerii timpului si ramane indragit de multe persoane din intreaga lume. Asadar, hai sa incerci reteta de oua umplute cu pate de pui, cele mai gustoase si aspectuoase oua umplute, mai ales daca alegem sa folosim un pate facut in casa.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)
- 6 oua
- 30 grame unt
- 50 grame pate de pui
- 30 grame smantana dulce
- 1 lingura mustar
- Sare
- Piper
- Ceapa verde
Pentru a obtine oua tari, le fierbem timp de 10 minute, avand grija sa utilizam un indicator special pentru a ne asigura ca sunt gatite exact asa cum ne dorim. Acest indicator este adaugat in oala impreuna cu ouale, la inceputul procesului de fierbere.
Odata ce ouale sunt fierte, le scoatem din apa si le punem intr-un bol cu apa rece pentru a le raci rapid, apoi le curatam si le taiem pe jumatate. Presaram putina sare peste albusuri.
Intr-un blender, combinam galbenusurile fierte cu untul la temperatura camerei, mustarul, pate-ul de pui, smantana dulce, sare si piper. Mixam aceasta compozitie timp de aproximativ un minut, pana cand obtinem o cremă fina si omogena.
Cu ajutorul unui pos sau al unei pungi de patiserie, umplem ouale cu aceasta crema si le presaram deasupra cu ceapa verde taiata marunt.
Ouale umplute pot fi servite ca aperitiv alaturi de masline, legume proaspete si branzeturi sau chiar ca parte a micului dejun.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Oua umplute cu pate de pui, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Romanian Deviled Eggs (with Liver Pate)
In a world full of sophisticated recipes and exotic ingredients, sometimes the simplest dishes can bring us the greatest joy. A perfect example of this concept is represented by Romanian Deviled Eggs – a classic appetizer, loaded with taste and versatility. So, let’s try the recipe for Romanian Deviled Eggs (with Liver Pate), the tastiest and most attractive stuffed eggs, especially if we choose to use a pate made at home.
INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)
- 6 eggs
- 30 grams butter
- 50 grams chicken pate
- 30 grams double cream
- 1 tablespoon mustard
- Salt
- Pepper
- Green onion
To get hard-boiled eggs, boil them for 10 minutes, taking care to use a special indicator to ensure that they are cooked exactly as we want. This indicator is added to the pot together with the eggs, at the beginning of the boiling process.
Once the eggs are boiled, take them out of the water and put them in a bowl of cold water to cool them quickly, then clean them and cut them in half. Sprinkle salt over the egg whites.
In a blender, combine the boiled egg yolks with butter at room temperature, mustard, the chicken pate, double cream, salt and pepper. Mix this composition for about a minute, until we get a fine and homogeneous cream.
With the help of a piping bag or a pastry bag, fill the eggs with this cream and sprinkle them with finely chopped green onions.
Stuffed eggs can be served as an appetizer with olives, fresh vegetables and cheeses or even as part of breakfast.
If you liked the recipe for Devilled Eggs with chicken pate, I invite you to try it Mushroom Deviled Eggs, Deviled Eggs Cupcakes or Tartar deviled eggs.
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