Papara cu slanina si carne


Continuam seria retetelor romanesti cu o papara cu slanina si carne. Nu gatim foarte des aceasta reteta, din motive lesne de inteles, dar din cand in cand ne mai facem si pofta. Recomand ca pentru aceasta reteta sa alegeti ingrediente produse local, iar carnea sa o preparati acasa. Este practic o friptura simpla, fie spata, fie piept de porc.

Papara cu slanina si carne


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 8 feliute slanina / 8 slices bacon
  • 150 grame friptura de porc / 150 grams cooked pork
  • 8 oua / 8 eggs
  • Sare / Salt
Papara cu slanina si carne

Incingem o tigaie si crestam usor feliile de slanina. Le punem in tigaia incinsa si le rumenim usor pe ambele parti. Adaugam apoi carnea de porc taiata cubulete si o incalzim usor. Spargem deasupra ouale, presaram cu sare si lasam sa se gateasca usor pana cand albusurile sunt usor coagulate. Acesta este momentul in care incepem sa amestecam omleta. O mai lasam 1-2 minute pana cand ouale sunt inchegate.

Papara cu slanina si carne

Servim papara cu o salata de castraveti murati in sare cu ceapa si ulei.

Papara cu slanina si carne

Daca v-a placut papara cu slanina si carne, puteti incerca si o papara cu slanina, bagels cu oua si carne la garnita sau o tigaie cu oua romanesti.

English version

Bacon & Pork Meat Scrambled Eggs

We continue the series of Romanian recipes with a bacon and pork meat scrambled eggs. We do not cook this recipe very often, for reasons that are easy to understand, but from time to time we try it. I recommend to choose locally produced ingredients for this recipe, and prepare the pork meat at home. It’s basically a simple steak, either shoulder or pork breast.

Heat a pan and slice the bacon. Put them in the hot pan and lightly brown them on both sides. Then add the diced pork meat and heat it slightly. Break the eggs on top, sprinkle with salt and let it cook lightly until the egg whites are slightly hardened. This is when we start mixing the omelet. Leave it for another 1-2 minutes until the eggs are cooked.

Serve the scrambled eggs with a salad of pickled cucumbers with onion and oil.

If you liked Bacon & Pork Meat Scrambled Eggs, you can also try a bacon scrambled eggs, eggs bagels with pork meat or a pan with Romanian eggs.


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