Pate de porc


Incomparabil mai bun decat cel din comert, acest pate merita incercat. Nu voi sustine ca este cea mai sanatoasa reteta, insa prin simplul fapt ca renuntam la aditivii alimentari din suratele conserve si de asemenea, controlam calitatea ingredientelor avem deja un mare plus.

Eu nefiind un fan infocat “ficat” am ales sa reduc asprimea acestuia combinand in proportie de 1:2 cu carne de porc. Rezultatul va satisface orice mofturos 😀


  • 300 grame ficat de porc / 300 grams pork liver
  • 600 grame piept de porc / 600 grams short ribs
  • 2 cepe albe / 2 white onion
  • 1 lingura ulei / 1 tablespoon oil
  • Sare / Salt
  • Piper / Pepper

Incingem uleiul intr-o cratita si adaugam pieptul de porc taiat bucatele. Prajim usor 2-3 minute apoi il fierbem inabusit adaugand din cand in cand cate o ceasca de apa. Cand carnea este aproape fiarta adaugam ceapa taiata marunt. Mai lasam la fiert pana cand carnita devine moale, apoi adaugam ficatul taiat cuburi. Lasam 15 minute la foc mic. Stingem focul si adaugam sare si piper macinat dupa gust. Cu ajutorul unui blender maruntim amestecul si lasam la racit. Servim pate-ul a doua zi cu paine prajita si legume proaspete.

English version:

Pork Pate Spread

Incomparably better than the commercial one, this pate is worth a try. I will not claim that it is the healthiest recipe, but by the simple fact that we give up food additives from canned and also, we control the quality of the ingredients, we already have a big plus.

Not being a fan „liver” I chose to reduce its harshness by combining in a ratio of 1: 2 with pork meat.

Heat the oil in a saucepan and add the sliced short rib. Fry lightly for 2-3 minutes then simmer, adding a cup of water from time to time. When the meat is almost cooked, add the finely chopped onion. Let it boil until the meat becomes soft, then add the diced liver. Let simmer for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat and add salt and ground pepper to taste. Using a blender, grind the mixture and leave to cool. Serve the pate the next day with toast and fresh vegetables.


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