Piftie de curcan


Piftia de curcan este un preparat traditional romanesc, savuros si plin de gust, perfect pentru mesele de sarbatori sau pentru orice ocazie in care vrei sa impresionezi familia si prietenii. Aceasta reteta este usor de pregatit, iar cu ajutorul unor ingrediente simple si naturale, vei obtine un rezultat delicios si elegant. Fie ca alegi varianta rapida, folosind oala Tefal One Pot, sau preferi metoda clasica, gatind in stil traditional, piftia de curcan va adauga un plus de savoare meselor tale. In acest articol, vei descoperi pas cu pas cum sa pregatesti o piftie de curcan perfecta, cu o textura fina si o aroma deosebita, care va deveni cu siguranta favorita intregii familii.

Piftie de curcan

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)

  • 1 aripa de curcan (aproximativ 750 grame)
  • 2 morcovi
  • 1 pastarnac
  • 1 lingurita boabe de piper
  • 2 capatani de usturoi
  • 1250 ml apa
  • 2 plicuri gelatina
  • 2 lingurite sare
Piftie de curcan

Pentru aceasta reteta, am ales sa utilizez oala Tefal One Pot, insa se poate prepara si in mod traditional, ajustand corespunzator timpii de gatire.

Asadar, sa incepem: curatam cu atentie aripa de curcan si o taiem in doua, realizand cate o crestatura adanca pe fiecare bucata, pana la os. In oala One Pot adaugam 1,250 litri de apa, aripa de curcan, morcovul si pastranacul, boabele de piper, o capatana de usturoi si sarea. Setam programul de gatire sub presiune, alegand optiunea „Low” pentru o durata de 80 de minute. Deoarece am putut seta doar 40 de minute, am continuat gatirea cu o a doua tura de 40 de minute.

Piftie de curcan

La finalul timpului de gatire, depresurizam oala si adaugam restul de usturoi zdrobit, lasand sa infuzeze sub capac pentru inca 10 minute. Dupa aceasta, scoatem carnea intr-un bol si strecuram supa. Avand in vedere ca nu am avut suficiente oase pentru a obtine gelatina necesara, am suplimentat reteta cu gelatina alimentara. Astfel, punem 2 plicuri de gelatina intr-un ibric, adaugam 2 polonice de supa si amestecam continuu. Topim gelatina pe foc mic, apoi o turnam in oala.

Piftie de curcan

Pentru decor, am ales oua de prepelita si patrunjel pe care le-am asezat la baza bolului. Am turnat o cantitate mica de supa si am dat la frigider pentru a se intari. Dupa ce gelatina s-a setat, am adaugat carnea desfacuta de pe oase si am completat cu supa ramasa, lasand la rece cateva ore.

In final, rasturnam piftia de curcan pe un platou si o servim alaturi de o salata de sfecla cu hrean, a carei reteta o gasiti aici.

Piftie de curcan

Detaliile video ale retetei:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Piftie de curcan, va invit sa incercati si:

Carnaciori de pui
Carnaciori de pui
Taci si inghite
Taci si inghite
Varza calita cu friptura de porc
Varza calita cu friptura de porc

English version

Turkey Aspic

Turkey aspic is a traditional Romanian dish, savory and full of flavor, perfect for holiday meals or any occasion when you want to impress family and friends. This recipe is easy to prepare, and with the help of simple and natural ingredients, you’ll achieve a delicious and elegant result. Whether you choose the quick version using the Tefal One Pot, or prefer the classic method, cooking in the traditional style, turkey aspic will add a special touch of flavor to your meals. In this article, you’ll discover step by step how to prepare the perfect turkey head cheese, with a fine texture and a distinct aroma that will surely become a family favorite.

INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)

  • 1 turkey wing (approximately 750 grams)
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 parsnip
  • 1 teaspoon peppercorns
  • 2 garlic heads
  • 1250 ml water
  • 2 packets of gelatin
  • 2 teaspoons salt

For this recipe, I chose to use the Tefal One Pot, but it can also be prepared traditionally by adjusting the cooking times accordingly.

Start by carefully cleaning the turkey wing and cutting it in half, making a deep incision on each piece down to the bone. In the One Pot, add 1,250 liters of water, the turkey wing, the carrot and parsnip, the peppercorns, one head of garlic, and the salt. Set the pressure cooking program, selecting the „Low” option for 80 minutes. Since I could only set it for 40 minutes, I continued cooking for a second round of 40 minutes.

At the end of the cooking time, release the pressure and add the remaining crushed garlic, allowing it to infuse under the lid for another 10 minutes. After that, remove the meat into a bowl and strain the broth. Since I didn’t have enough bones to extract the required gelatin, I supplemented the recipe with gelatin powder. To do this, place 2 packets of gelatin in a small pot, add 2 ladles of broth, and stir continuously. Melt the gelatin over low heat, then pour it into the pot.

For decoration, I chose quail eggs and parsley, which I arranged at the bottom of the bowl. I poured a small amount of broth and refrigerated it to set. Once the gelatin had set, I added the meat removed from the bones and topped it with the remaining broth, leaving it to cool for several hours.

Finally, flip the turkey aspic onto a platter and serve it with a beetroot salad with horseradish.

If you liked the turkey head cheese recipe, I invite you to try also Chicken Sausages, Romanian Polenta with Cheese or a Braised Cabbage with Roast Pork.


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