Imi lipsea din colectia de burgeri unul colorat si jucaus. Am strans in acest burger multe nuante de roz, verde si crem pentru a obtine un burger meatless perfect.
Pe scurt: “ 🌈 pe cerul gurii” 😎
Chifle roz perfecte / Perfect pink buns:
(pentru 6 bucati / for 6 pieces)
- 250 grame faina 000 / 250 grams flour 000
- 120 ml suc de sfecla / 120 ml beetroot juice
- 4 grame drojdie uscata / 4 grams dry yeast
- 12 grame zahar / 12 grams sugar
- 25 grame lapte praf / 25 grams powdered milk
- 6 grame sare / 6 grams salt
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter
- Seminte de susan / Sesame seeds
(pentru 2 bucati / for 2 pieces)
- 100 grame branza halloumi / 100 grams halloumi cheese
- 2 linguri gris / 2 tablespoons semolina
- 1 ou / 1 egg
- 1 avocado / 1 avocado
- 1 rosie / 1 tomato
- 1/4 fir de praz / 1/4 leek
- 1 ardei iute mic / 1 small hot pepper
- 1 ceapa rosie mica / 1 small red onion
- 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
- 1 lingura iaurt grecesc / 1 tablespoon greek jogurt
- 2 frunze busuioc / 2 basil leaves
- 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 2 lingurite ulei de masline / 2 teaspoons olive oil
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1 lingura apa minerala / 1 tablespoon mineral water
- Sare / Salt
Pentru chifle, regasiti modul de prepare aici. Cu diferenta ca ingredientele sunt doar pentru jumatate de portie. De asemenea in reteta originala inlocuim apa cu sucul de sfecla.
Din ingredientele mai sus mentionate, vom pregati un sos delicios cu aroma subtila de busuioc si o salsa de avocado usor picanta care vor insoti la perfectie burgerul roz.
Pentru sos, punem in blender jumatate de avocado, 1 lingura suc de lamaie, mustar, iaurt, sare, apa minerala si busuiocul. Mixam cateva secunde pana obtinem un sos omogen.
Pentru salsa, taiem jumatatea de avocado in cubulete, prazul in felii subtiri, ceapa rosie, ardeiul iute si rosia cubulete mici. Adaugam sare, 1 lingurita ulei de masline si sucul de lamaie ramas.
Feliem branza halloumi, o trecem prin ou batut si prin gris. Incingem intr-o tigaie foarte putin ulei de masline si adaugam feliile de branza rumenindu-le usor pe ambele parti.
Pentru servire, taiem chiflele in doua si adaugam cate o lingura de sos de avocado, branza halloumi si salsa de avocado.
English version/
I was missing from the burger collection a colorful and playful one. I gathered in this burger many shades of pink, green and cream to get a perfect meatless burger.
For buns, you can find the recipices here. With the difference that the ingredients are only for half a serving. Also in the original recipe we replace the water with the beet juice.
From the above mentioned ingredients, we will prepare a delicious sauce with a subtle basil flavor and a slightly spicy avocado sauce that will serve the pink burger perfectly.
For the sauce, put in the blender half an avocado, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, mustard, yogurt, salt, mineral water and basil. Mix for a few seconds until you get a homogeneous sauce.
For the salsa, cut the avocado in half into cubes, the leek into thin slices, the red onion, the hot pepper and the red diced tomatoes. Add salt, 1 teaspoon olive oil and the remaining lemon juice.
Slice the halloumi cheese, pass it through a beaten egg and semolina. Heat a little olive oil in a pan and add the cheese slices, lightly browning them on both sides.
To serve, cut the buns in half and add a tablespoon of avocado sauce, halloumi cheese and avocado salsa.
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