Aceste pulpe de pui la capac aurii la exterior, suculente si fragede la interior au un gust absolut incredibil. Savoare la fiecare muscatura! Cu doar un singur ingredient simplu, transformam pulpele de pui intr-o experienta extraordinara. Aceasta este una dintre retetele super simple cu care nu ai cum sa dai gres. Este extrem de usor de facut, iar cantitatile pot fi reglate cu usurinta pentru a fi adaptata la numarul de invitati de la masa. Sunt sigura ca veti iubi aceasta reteta si o veti repeta de multe ori, mai ales in zilele de weekend.

(pentru 3 portii / for 3 servings)
- 3 pulpe de pui / 3 chicken legs
- 500 g cartofi mici / 500 grams small potatoes
- 1 lingura ulei / 1 tablespoon oil
- Sare / Salt

Curatam bine pulpele de pui si le presaram cu sare mare. Le lasam la marinat la rece minim 6 ore (ideal ar fi de seara pana a doua zi).
Pentru aceste pulpe de pui avem nevoie de o cratita si un capac care sa poata fi introduse in cuptor (fara manere sau alte accesorii din plastic). Eu am ales o cratita cu o inaltime de 5 – 6 cm pe care am umplut-o trei sferturi cu apa rece si am asezat capacul invers.

Pe capac am asezat pulpele de pui cu pielea in jos si le-am introdus in cuptorul incalzit la 180 grade Celsius pentru 40 de minute. Intoarcem apoi pulpele de pui si mai lasam la cuptor timp de 30 – 40 de minute pana cand sunt frumos rumenite.
Intre timp pregatim cartofii. Ii spalam bine si ii fierbem la abur sau in apa timp de 20 de minute, apoi ii punem in Actifry, impreuna cu o lingura de ulei de masline pentru 20 de minute.

Servim pulpele de pui la capac cu cartofi aurii, mujdei de usturoi si muraturi sau salata, dupa plac. Nu uitam de o cana de Merlot rosu demisec de la Crama Stramutata, un vin prietenos cu toti cei care il incearca, un vin care merita savurat si respectat. Rosu – rubiniu cu un buchet bogat, catifelat, o aciditate redusa si tanini fini, la o temperatura optima de 16 – 17 grade Celsius isi exprima aromele de coacaze si fructe de padure, dar si note condimentate.

Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Pulpe de pui la capac va invit sa incercati si:

English version
Roast Chicken Legs
These chicken legs oven baked on lid, golden on the outside, juicy and tender on the inside, have an absolutely incredible taste. Flavor in every bite! With only one simple ingredient, we transform chicken legs into an extraordinary experience. This is one of those super simple recipes that you can’t go wrong with. It is extremely easy to make, and the quantities can be easily adjusted to be adapted to the number of guests at the table. I am sure you will love this recipe and repeat it many times, especially on weekends.
Clean the chicken legs well and sprinkle them with large salt. Leave them to marinate in the fridge for at least 6 hours, ideally from the evening until the next day.
For these chicken legs, we need a pan and a lid that can be placed in the oven (without plastic accessories). I chose a pan with a height of 5 – 6 cm, which I filled three quarters with cold water and placed the lid upside down.
I placed the chicken legs skin side down on the lid and put them in the oven heated to 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Then turn the chicken legs over and leave them in the oven for 30-40 minutes until they are nicely browned.
In the meantime, prepare the potatoes. Wash them well and steam them or boil them in water for 20 minutes, then put them in the Actifry, together with a spoonful of olive oil for 20 minutes.
Serve the chicken legs with golden potatoes, garlic sauce and pickles or salad, as you like. Let’s not forget a glass of Red Merlot, a wine that is friendly to all who try it, a wine that deserves to be enjoyed and respected. Red – ruby with a rich, velvety bouquet, low acidity and fine tannins, at an optimal temperature of 16-17 degrees Celsius, it expresses its aromas of currants and berries, but also spicy notes.
If you liked the recipe for chicken legs with lid, I invite you to try Oven Roast Chicken, a Chicken with Garlic Sauce or a Chicken in Vegetables Brine.
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