Cand vine vorba de a gati ceva special pentru familie sau prieteni, quesadilla pulled turkey, mai exact lipii crocante, extra-gustoase cu piept de curcan marinat este o alegere excelenta care aduce un gust autentic si o textura delicioasa la masa ta. Acest preparat, inspirat de bucataria mexicana, este nu doar savuros, dar si surprinzator de simplu de realizat, cu ingrediente proaspete si pline de aroma. Marinada este secretul care transforma pieptul de curcan dintr-o carne simpla intr-o delicatesa frageda si plina de gust. Procesul de marinare in saramura cu sare mare, oregano si chimen, urmat de o presarare cu chipotle, ii confera o profunzime de aroma care va impresiona orice papila gustativa. Servita fierbinte, alaturi de un strop de lime pentru un plus de aciditate, quesadilla cu piept de curcan marinat este o mancare care va aduce zambete si va satisface chiar si cele mai pretentioase gusturi.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 8 portii)
- 500 grame piept de curcan
- 500 – 700 ml apa rece
- 2 linguri sare mare
- 1 lingura oregano
- 1 lingurita chimen
- 1 lingura chipotle
- 200 grame sos salsa
- 250 grame suc de rosii
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- 8 lipii
- 250 grame cascaval
- 200 grame smantana
- 3 rosii
- 5 fire ceapa verde
- 1 ardei iute
- 1/2 legatura patrunjel
- Lime
Secretul prepararii unui piept de curcan fraged si gustos este marinarea acestuia in saramura timp de 12 – 16 ore. Asadar punem pieptul de curcan intr-un vas adanc si pregatim o saramura din apa, sare, oregano si chimen. Turnam saramura peste carne, acoperim cu un capac si lasam la frigider de pe o zi pe alta.
Utilizarea Tefal One Pot pentru gatirea carnii adauga un plus de comoditate si eficienta, dar reteta poate fi adaptata cu usurinta pentru cuptor, pentru cei care prefera metodele traditionale. Indiferent de metoda aleasa, rezultatul este o carne de curcan „pulled turkey” perfect gatita, care se desface usor si se topeste in gura.
A doua zi, scurgem carnea si o stergem bine cu un servet absorbant si o presaram cu condiment chipotle pe toate partile. Incalzim One Pot-ul si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline. Folosind functia „Brown” prajim carnea timp de 2 minute pe toate partile, in total 8 minute.
Intr-un bol amestecam sosul salsa cu sucul de rosii si il turnam peste carnea rumenita. Adaugam capacul si alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 40 de minute.
Intre timp pregatim salata pico de gallo, taiem ceapa verde, ardeiul si rosiile marunt. Adaugam sare, o lingura de ulei de masline si patrunjel tocat marunt si amestecam.
Cand friptura este gata depresurizam oala, scoatem pieptul de curcan pe o farfurie si pastram deliciosul sos obtinut. Fiind foarte fraged il desfacem usor cu ajutorul a doua furculite, obtinand celebrele fasii de „pulled turkey”.
Pentru a pregati quesadilla, trecem fiecare lipie prin sosul delicios de la friptura si o punem in tigaia incinsa, incalzind-o timp de jumatate de minute pe o parte. O intoarcem si o umplem pe jumatate cu friptura si cascaval ras. Pliem a doua jumatate si prajim quesadilla pe ambele parti pana cand devine rumena.
Servim quesadilla fierbine alaturi de salata pico de gallo, smantana si ceapa verde.
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English version
Quesadilla Pulled Turkey
When it comes to cooking something special for family or friends, pulled turkey quesadilla, more precisely crispy, extra-tasty with marinated turkey breast is an excellent choice that brings an authentic taste and a delicious texture to your table. This dish, inspired by Mexican cuisine, is not only tasty, but also surprisingly simple to make, with fresh ingredients full of flavor. The marinade is the secret that transforms the turkey breast from a simple meat into a tender and tasty delicacy. The process of marinating in brine with salt, oregano and cumin, followed by pressing with chipotle, gives it a depth of flavor that will impress any taste bud. Served hot, with a squeeze of lime for added acidity, the quesadilla with marinated turkey breast is a dish that will bring smiles and satisfy even the most demanding tastes.
INGREDIENTS (for 8 servings)
- 500 grams turkey breast
- 500 – 700 ml cold water
- 2 tablespoons large salt
- 1 tablespoon oregano
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1 tablespoon chipotle
- 200 grams salsa sauce
- 250 grams tomato juice
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 8 pita bread
- 250 grams hard cheese
- 200 grams sour cream
- 3 tomatoes
- 5 green onions
- 1 hot pepper
- 1/2 bunch parsley
- Limes
The secret to preparing a tender and tasty turkey breast is marinating it in brine for 12 – 16 hours. So we put the turkey breast in a deep dish and prepare a brine of water, salt, oregano and cumin. Pour the brine over the meat, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight.
Using the Tefal One Pot for cooking meat adds extra convenience and efficiency, but the recipe can easily be adapted for the oven, for those who prefer traditional methods. Regardless of the method chosen, the result is a perfectly cooked „pulled turkey”, which comes apart easily and melts in the mouth.
The next day, drain the meat and wipe it well with an absorbent napkin and press it with chipotle spice on all sides. Heat the One Pot and add a spoonful of olive oil. Using the „Brown” function, fry the meat for 2 minutes on all sides, a total of 8 minutes.
In a bowl, mix the salsa sauce with tomato juice and pour it over the browned meat. Add the lid and choose the pressure cooking function for 40 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the pico de gallo salad, cut the green onion, pepper and tomatoes into small pieces. Add salt, a spoonful of olive oil and finely chopped parsley and mix.
When the steak is ready, depressurize the pot, remove the turkey breast on a plate and keep the delicious sauce obtained. Being very tender, easily open it with two forks, obtaining the famous „pulled turkey”.
To prepare the quesadilla, pass each bread through the delicious steak sauce and put it in the hot pan, heating it for half a minute on one side. Turn it over and half fill it with steak and grated cheese. Fold the second half and fry the quesadilla on both sides until it turns brown.
Serve hot quesadilla with pico de gallo salad, sour cream and green onions.
If you liked the Pulled Turkey Quesadilla recipe, I invite you to try a Barbacoa, guacamole & pico de gallo, a Cheesesteak Quesadilla or a Mexican Street Tacos.
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