Ricotta Toast cu piersici, mure si prosciutto este extrem de simplu de facut si in acelasi timp are un gust bogat si aromat. Pentru aceasta reteta puteti alege painea voastra favorita. Fie multicereale, fie bagheta fina asociata cu aromele din fructe si cremozitatea ricottei, va fi intotdeauna o alegere de exceptie atat pentru un mic dejun cat si pentru o cina eleganta.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 2 felii de paine / 2 bread slices
- 100 grame branza ricotta / 100 grame ricotta cheese
- 1 piersica / 1 peach
- 10 mure / 10 blackberries
- 4 felii prosciutto / 4 slices prosciutto
- 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
Stropim feliile de paine cu ulei de masline si le prajim pe ambele parti intr-o tigaie si le ungem cu branza ricotta.
Ungem tigaia grill cu foarte putin ulei de masline si prajim feliile de piersica pe ambele parti. Cand sunt aproape gata adaugam si murele.
Asezam fructele pe cate o jumatate din felia de paine si prosciutto pe cealalata jumatate.
Decoram cu busuioc verde si servim cu multa pofta.
Daca v-a placut reteta Ricotta Toast va invit sa incercati si Crostini cu branza de capra si pere coapte, Grilled Cheese & Fruit Sandwich sau cateva Crostini dulci-sarate.
English version
Ricotta Toast
Ricotta Toast with peaches, blackberries and prosciutto is extremely simple to make and at the same time has a rich and aromatic taste. For this recipe you can choose your favorite bread. Either multi-cereal, or the fine baguette associated with the flavors of the fruits and the creaminess of the ricotta, it will always be an exceptional choice for both a breakfast and an elegant dinner.
Sprinkle the bread slices with olive oil and fry them on both sides in a pan and spread them with ricotta cheese.
Grease the grill pan with very little olive oil and fry the peach slices on both sides. When they are almost ready, add the blackberries.
Place the fruit on one half of the bread slice and the prosciutto on the other half. Garnish with green basil and serve.
If you liked the Ricotta Toast recipe, I invite you to try Crostini with goat cheese and baked pears, Grilled Cheese & Fruit Sandwich or some Sweet-Salty Crostini.
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