Descoperirea unei noi retete este intotdeauna o aventura culinara palpitanta, iar salata de pipote cu maioneza este o optiune delicioasa care combina texturi si arome intr-un mod unic. Aceasta reteta este perfecta pentru cei care cauta o alternativa mai sanatoasa la maioneza traditionala, fara a compromite gustul. Pipotele de pui sunt o sursa excelenta de proteine si, cand sunt gatite corect, pot fi surprinzator de fragede si suculente. Utilizarea Tefal One Pot in aceasta reteta simplifica procesul de gatit, permitand ingredientelor sa se combine armonios sub presiune, rezultand intr-o textura perfecta a pipotelor. Maioneza dietetica este vedeta acestei retete, oferind o cremozitate bogata fara a adauga prea multe calorii. Combinand iaurtul grecesc, mascarpone, smantana dulce, mustarul si sucul de lamaie, obtinem o maioneza usoara si aromata care complementeaza minunat pipotele. Servita ca aperitiv, aceasta salata poate fi un inceput excelent pentru orice masa, impresionand oaspetii cu combinatia sa de arome si texturi. Painea prajita si rosiile cherry adauga un contrast crocant si proaspat, transformand acest fel de mancare intr-o experienta culinara memorabila.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 6 portii)
- 500 grame pipote de pui
- 150 ml supa de pui
- 50 ml apa
- 4 catei de usturoi
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
- 100 grame iaurt grecesc
- 50 grame mascarpone
- 50 grame smantana dulce
- 1 lingura suc de lamaie
- 2 lingurite mustar
- Sare
Pentru acesta reteta eu am ales sa pregatesc pipotele cu ajutorul Tefal One Pot, insa urmand aceeasi pasi se pot pregati in mod clasic cu marirea timpilor de gatire.
Asadar, alegem functia „Brown” si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline. Cand aceasta se incalzeste adaugam pipotele, sare si usturoiul zdrobit. Calim timp de 2 minute pe fiecare parte, apoi adaugam apa si supa, inchidem capacul si alegem functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 30 de minute. Depresurizam oala, scoatem pipotele din sos si le lasam la racit, apoi le taiem in cubulete mici.
Eu am ales sa pregatesc o maioneza mai dietetica, dar in acelasi timp extrem de gustoasa. Intr-un blender punem usturoiul, iaurtul, mascarpone, smantana dulce, mustarul, sucul de lamaie si sarea si mixam pana obtinem o crema fina.
Adaugam maioneza peste pipotele taiate marunt, amestecam si lasam la rece 2-3 ore inainte de servire.
Servim ca aperitiv cu paine prajita si rosii cherry.
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English version
Gizzard Salad with Mayonnaise
Discovering a new recipe is always a thrilling culinary adventure, and the gizzard salad with mayonnaise is a delicious option that combines textures and flavors in a unique way. This recipe is perfect for those looking for a healthier alternative to traditional mayonnaise, without compromising on taste. Chicken gizzards are an excellent source of protein and, when cooked correctly, can be surprisingly tender and juicy. The use of Tefal One Pot in this recipe simplifies the cooking process, allowing the ingredients to combine harmoniously under pressure, resulting in a perfect texture of the chips. Diet mayonnaise is the star of this recipe, offering a rich creaminess without adding too many calories. By combining Greek yogurt, mascarpone, sweet cream, mustard and lemon juice, we get a light and aromatic mayonnaise that perfectly complements the gizzards. Served as an appetizer, this salad can be an excellent start to any meal, impressing guests with its combination of flavors and textures. The fried bread and cherry tomatoes add a crisp and fresh contrast, turning this kind of food into a memorable culinary experience.
INGREDIENTS (for 6 servings)
- 500 grams chicken gizzards
- 150 ml chicken soup
- 50 ml water
- 4 cloves garlic
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 100 grams Greek yogurt
- 50 grams mascarpone
- 50 grams double cream
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 2 teaspoons mustard
- Salt
For this recipe, I chose to prepare the gizzards with the help of Tefal One Pot, but following the same method, they can be prepared in the classic way with longer cooking times.
Therefore, choose the „Brown” function and add a spoonful of olive oil. When it heats up, add the peppers, salt and crushed garlic. Sear for 2 minutes on each side, then add water and soup, close the lid and choose the pressure cooking function for 30 minutes. Depressurize the pot, remove the gizzards from the sauce and let them cool, then cut them into small cubes.
I chose to prepare a more dietary mayonnaise, but at the same time extremely tasty. Put the garlic, yogurt, mascarpone, double cream, mustard, lemon juice and salt in the blender and mix until you get a smooth cream.
Add the mayonnaise on top of the finely cut gizzards, mix and leave in the cold for 2-3 hours before serving.
Serve as an appetizer with toast bread and cherry tomatoes.
If you liked the recipe for Gizzard Salad with Mayonnaise, I invite you to try Romanian Deviled Eggs (with Liver Pate), Mushrooms with garlic mayonnaise or Mushroom Deviled Eggs.
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