Am asteptat mult timp rosiile dulci din gradina pentru a savura prospetimea lor. Rosiile din gradina se potrivesc perfect intr-o salata de rosii cu usturoi si ierburi si sunt pur si simplu ideale pentru a crea un fel de mancare plin de aromele verii! Aceasta, impreuna cu salata clasica de vara cu rosii, castraveti si ceapa sunt unele dintre retele de baza ale meselor estivale. Nimic mai simplu, adunam de prin gradina (sau din piata) cat mai multe soiuri de rosii si le aruncam intr-un castron alaturi de condimente.
(pentru 2 portii / for 2 servings)
- 500 grame mix de rosii / 500 grams mix tomatoes
- 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lingurita oregano / 1/2 teaspoon oregano
- 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
- Sare / Salt
- Rondele de paine prajita / Toast bread
Spalam rosiile si le taiem rondele. Le asezam pe un platou si le presaram cu sare si oregano. Adaugam deasupra usturoiul feliat, rondele de paine prajita si stropim cu ulei de masline din belsug.
Servim salata de rosii alaturi de telemea si de ce nu, oua ochiuri pentru un mic dejun senzational.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata de rosii va invit sa incercati si Crema de Cottage Cheese cu rosii marinate, o Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii sau niste Cotlete de miel picante cu rosii si menta.
Tomato Salad
I waited a long time for the sweet tomatoes from the garden to enjoy their freshness. Tomatoes from the garden go perfectly with garlic and herbs and are simply ideal for creating a dish full of summer flavors! This one, together with tomato, cucumber and onion salad, are the basic dishes of summer meals. Nothing simpler, we gather from the garden (or the market) as many varieties of tomatoes as possible and throw them in a bowl together with spices.
Wash the tomatoes and cut them into slices. Place them on a plate and sprinkle them with salt and oregano. Add the sliced garlic on top, the slices of toasted bread and sprinkle with plenty of olive oil.
Serve tomato salad with cheese and why not, fried eggs for a sensational breakfast.
If you liked the tomato salad recipe, I invite you to try the Cottage Cheese cream with Marinated Tomatoes, an Eggplant Salad with Baked Peppers and Tomato Chutney or some Spicy Lamb Chops with Tomatoes and Mint.
- Tapassio – Pasiune pentru tapasuri mediteraneene si unguresti
- R Box Forest – casuta suspendata dintre copaci
- Supa crema de rosii si toast cu branza
- Cartofi prajiti la Actifry
- Salata cu piept de rata, orez negru, portocala si rodie
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