Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii


Cine nu iubeste salata de vinete? Cu ceapa, maioneza, iaurt, tahini sau in multe alte combinatii de gusturi, salata de vinete este nelipsita de pe mesele noastre. Astazi incercam o reinterpretare a celebrei salate. O explozie de arome intr-o salata de vinete cu ardei copti, chutney de rosii si maioneza cu chives.

Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

Pentru salata de vinete / For eggplant salad

  • 2 vinete coapte / 2 baked eggplants
  • 5 linguri ulei / 5 tablespoons oil
  • Sucul de la 1/2 lamaie / Juice from 1/2 lemon
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru salata de ardei copti / For baked pepper salad

  • 2 ardei kapia copti / 2 baked kapia peppers
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline / 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 linguri crema de otet balsamic / 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar cream
  • Sare / Salt
Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii

Pentru chutney de rosii / For tomato chutney

  • 500 grame rosii cherry / 500 grams cherry tomato
  • 1/2 ardei kapia / 1/2 kapia pepper
  • 1 ceapa rosie / 1 onion
  • 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
  • 1 lingurita fulgi de chilli / 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
  • 3 linguri ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 lingura crema de otet balsamic / 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar cream
  • 1 lingurita miere / 1 teaspoon honey
  • Sare / Salt

Pentru maioneza cu chives / For chives mayonnaise

  • 1 ou / 1 egg
  • 50 ml ulei / 50 ml oil
  • 1 lingurita mustar / 1 teaspoon mustard
  • 20 grame chives / 20 grams chives
  • 2 linguri suc de lamaie / 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Sare / Salt
Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii

Pentru salata tocam vinetele marunt, adaugam sare si le mixam cu ulei. La sfarsit adaugam sucul de la lamaie si pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.

Pentru salata de ardei copti, curatam ardeii kapia de coaja, cotoare si seminte si ii taiem in fasii inguste. Presaram sare si adaugam ulei de masline si crema de otet balsamic.

Pentru chutney de rosii eu am ales sa folosesc Tefal One Pot, functia “Bake”. Punem uleiul in oala si il incalzim usor. Adaugam ceapa taiata marunt, usturoiul zdrobit si 2 linguri de apa rece. Calim usor si adaugam ardeii kapia taiati marunt, inca 2 linguri de apa si punem capacul pentru 3 minute. Amestecam si adaugam fulgii de chilli, sarea, mierea, rosiile taiate in jumatati si crema de otet balsamic. Punem capacul si mai lasam 2 minute. Pastram la rece pana in momentul servirii.

Pentru maioneza, punem intr-un pahar inalt, uleiul, oul intreg, mustarul, sarea si introducem in vas blenderul vertical. Miscam usor si cand s-a format maioneza adaugam sucul de lamaie si chives. Continuam sa mai mixam jumatate de minut pana cand obtinem o crema fina.

Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii

Servim salata de vinete alaturi de ardeii copti, chutney de rosii, maioneza cu chives si felii de paine prajita.

Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii

Detaliile video ale retetei le gasiti aici.

Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii

Daca v-a placut reteta de Salata de vinete cu ardei copti si chutney de rosii, va invit sa incercati si o Salata de vinete cu chips de parmezan, Zaalouk – Vinete marocane sau Vinete cu sos harissa si crema de feta.

English version

Eggplant Salad with Baked Peppers and Tomato Chutney

Who doesn’t love eggplant salad? With onion, mayonnaise, yogurt, tahini or in many other combinations of tastes, eggplant salad is indispensable on our tables. Today we are trying a reinterpretation of the famous salad. An explosion of flavors in an eggplant salad with baked peppers, tomato chutney and mayonnaise with chives.

For the salad, finely chop the eggplants, add salt and mix them with oil. At the end, add the lemon juice and refrigerate until serving time.

For the baked pepper salad, remove the skin, spines and seeds from peppers and cut them into narrow strips. Sprinkle salt and add olive oil and balsamic vinegar cream.

For the tomato chutney, I chose to use the Tefal One Pot, the „Bake” function. Put the oil in the pot and heat it slightly. Add finely chopped onion, crushed garlic and 2 tablespoons of cold water. Saute lightly and add finely chopped kapia peppers. Add another 2 tablespoons of water and put the lid on for 3 minutes. Mix and add chili flakes, salt, honey, tomatoes cut in half and balsamic vinegar cream. Put the lid on and leave for another 2 minutes. Keep cold until serving.

For the mayonnaise, put the oil, whole egg, mustard, salt in a tall glass and insert the vertical blender into the glass. Stir gently and when the mayonnaise has formed, add the lemon juice and chives. Continue to mix for half a minute until we get a fine cream.

Serve the eggplant salad with baked pepper salad, tomato chutney, mayonnaise with chives and slices of toasted bread.

You can find the video details of the recipe here.

If you liked the recipe for Eggplant Salad with roasted peppers and tomato chutney, I invite you to try Eggplant Salad with Parmesan chips, Zaalouk – Moroccan Eggplant or Eggplant with harissa sauce and feta cream.


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