Saramura de pui este una dintre retetele romanesti de senzatie. Nu intotdeauna avem posibilitatea sa pregatim un gratar adevarat… Ne putem bucura insa de gustul saramurii folosind pui rotisat sau gatit la cuptor. O combinatie delicioasa de carne frageda de pui, ardei, rosii, mujdei de usturoi si patrunjel verde servita alaturi de o mamaliga calda va aduce intreaga familie in jurul mesei.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 pui / 1 chicken
- 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic cloves
- 3 ardei / 3 baked peppers
- 4 rosii / 4 tomatoes
- 1 ardei iute / 1 hot pepper
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 1/4 lingurita piper / 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
- 1 legatura patrunjel / 1 bunch parsley
- Sare / Salt
Curatam puiul si il presaram cu sare, atat pe interior cat si pe exterior. Il lasam la rece cateva ore, apoi il pregatim la rotisor, la gratar sau la cuptor. Pentru varianta de pui la cuptor gasiti cea mai delicioasa reteta aici.
Intre timp pregatim saramura.
Intr-o tava punem ardeii taiati pe jumatate si rosiile si le coacem la 180 grade Celsius timp de 30 de minute.
Le presaram cu sare, apoi curatam ardeii de coaja.
Punem intr-o cratita mai adanca 2 cani de apa, sare, piperul si cimbrul. Fierbem si cand da in clocot, adaugam ardeii copti taiati in fasii si rosiile taiate cubulete. Continuam sa fierbem timp de 10 minute. Strivim usturoiul si il adaugam peste saramura.
Taiem puiul in jumatate si il adaugam in saramura. Acoperim cu un capac, mai lasam la foc mic timp de 3 minute. Stingem focul si presaram patrunjel tocat marunt.
Servim saramura de pui cu mamaliguta calda si multa pofta.
Daca v-a placut Saramura de pui va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Chicken in Vegetables Brine
Chicken in vegetables brine is one of the sensational Romanian recipes. Even if we don’t have the opportunity to prepare a real barbecue, enjoy the taste of the brine using roasted or oven-cooked chicken. A delicious combination of tender chicken meat, peppers, tomatoes, garlic paste and green parsley served with a hot sauce will bring the whole family around the table.
Clean the chicken and sprinkle it with salt, both inside and outside. Let it cool for a few hours, then prepare it on the rotisserie, on the grill or in the oven. For the baked chicken version, you can find the most delicious recipe here.
When the chicken is cooked, prepare the brine.
Put 2 cups of water, salt, pepper and thyme in a deeper saucepan. Boil and when it boils, add the ripe peppers cut into strips and the diced tomatoes. Continue to boil for 10 minutes. Crush the garlic and add it over the brine.
Cut the chicken in half and add it to the brine. Cover with a lid, leave on low heat for 3 minutes. Turn off the fire and sprinkle the finely chopped parsley.
Serve chicken brine with hot polenta and appetite.
If you liked the chicken brine, I invite you to try Trio Fish in vegetable brine, Sea Bream in Vegetables Sauce or a CrispLid Roast Chicken.
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