Cand vine vorba de gatit, uneori cele mai simple ingrediente pot fi transformate intr-un festin delicios cu doar cateva condimente si o tehnica buna. Astazi, vom transforma aceasta leguma foarte populara printre vegetarieni intr-un preparat savuros si usor de facut, sote de ciuperci pleurotus. Ciupercile pleurotus sunt cunoscute pentru textura lor carnosa si capacitatea de a absorbi aromele, facandu-le perfecte pentru sotare. In plus, sunt o sursa excelenta de proteine si fibre, fara a adauga grasimi nedorite in dieta. Aceasta reteta simpla necesita doar cateva ingrediente de baza si poate servi ca un fel principal de post sau ca o garnitura aromata langa o friptura suculenta. Indiferent de alegere, acest preparat simplu si delicios este sigur ca va impresiona orice iubitor de ciuperci.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 300 grame ciuperci pleurotus
- 1 lingurita oregano
- 1 lingurita cimbru
- 3 catei de usturoi
- 1 lingura ulei de masline
- 1 legatura de patrunjel
Curatam bine ciupercile si le desfacem in fasii inguste. Le presaram cu sare, oregano si cimbru.
Incalzim o tigaie si adaugam o lingura de ulei de masline si imediat ciupercile condimentate si usturoiul zdrobit.
Procesul de sotare este rapid si simplu, dar cheia este sa lasam ciupercile sa se prajeasca la foc mare pana cand toata apa se evapora, ceea ce le va conferi o textura aurie si crocanta la exterior, pastrand interiorul suculent. La final, adaugam patrunjelul verde tocat.
Serviti aceste ciuperci sotate ca o mancare de post plina de savoare sau alaturi de friptura preferata pentru o combinatie clasica si reconfortanta.
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Daca v-a placut reteta de Sote de ciuperci pleurotus, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Oyster Mushroom Saute
When it comes to cooking, sometimes the simplest ingredients can be transformed into a delicious feast with just a few spices and a good technique. Today, we’re going to turn oyster mushrooms, a popular choice for vegetarians and mushroom lovers alike, into a tasty and easy-to-make dish. Oyster mushrooms are known for their meaty texture and ability to absorb flavors, making them perfect for sautéing. In addition, they are an excellent source of protein and fiber, without adding unwanted fats to the diet. This simple recipe requires only a few basic ingredients and can serve as a main course for vegetarian or as an aromatic side dish next to a juicy steak. Regardless of the choice, this simple and delicious dish is sure to impress any mushroom lover.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 300 grams oyster mushrooms
- 1 teaspoon oregano
- 1 teaspoon thyme
- 3 garlic cloves
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 bunch parsley
Clean the mushrooms well and cut them into narrow strips. Sprinkle them with salt, oregano and thyme.
Heat a pan and add a spoonful of olive oil and immediately the seasoned mushrooms and crushed garlic.
The sauteing process is quick and simple, but the key is to let the mushrooms fry on high heat until all the water evaporates, which will give them a golden and crispy texture on the outside, while keeping the inside juicy. At the end, add the chopped green parsley.
Serve these sauteed mushrooms as a vegetarian meal full of flavor or alongside your favorite steak for a classic and comforting combination.
If you liked the oyster mushroom saute recipe, I invite you to try a Salad with marinated mushrooms, a Creamy Polenta with Beer Sautéed Mushrooms or a Mushrooms mix with cream and thyme sauce.
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