Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare


Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare este o fantezie culinara pentru o cina impresionanta. Secretul acestei retete, este folosirea unor ingrediente de calitate. Cerneala de sepie este cea care confera pastelor culoarea neagra, absolut superba, dar si o aroma uimitoare, transformadu-le in perfectiune alaturi de fructele de mare. Eu am ales pastele cu cerneala de sepie de la Molisana si nu am fost dezamagita.

Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare

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INGREDIENTE (pentru 4 portii)

  • 320 grame spaghete cu cerneala de sepie La Molisana
  • 250 grame creveti
  • 200 grame baby-octopus
  • 200 grame baby-calamari
  • 1 capatana usturoi
  • 200 grame rosii cherry
  • 2 linguri ulei de masline
  • 300 grame rosii in sos tomat
  • 1 lingurita chilli
  • 1 lingurita busuioc
  • 50 ml vin alb
  • Sare
Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare

Intr-o tigaie incinsa adaugam uleiul de masline si usturoiul taiat marunt. Calim cateva secunde si adaugam rosiile cherry taiate in jumatate. Inabusim rosiile timp de 2 – 3 minute si le scoatem intr-un bol, pastrand in tigaie sosul ramas.

Peste acest sos turnam rosiile in sos tomat si le strivim usor cu o lingura. Adaugam sare, chilli, caracatita si calamarii si fierbem timp de 10 minute la foc mediu, amestecand ocazional.

Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare

La expirarea timpului adaugam vinul si crevetii si mai gatim timp de 4 minute, amestecand ocazional.

Intre timp punem o oala cu apa si sare pe foc si in momentul in care fierbe adaugam pastele pe care le fierbem cu doua minute mai putin decat timpul indicat pe ambalaj.

Scurgem pastele de apa si le adaugam peste sosul de rosii cu fructe de mare. Gatim inca doua minute si adaugam rosiile cherry pastrate si busuiocul tocat marunt.

Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare

Servim spaghetele cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare alaturi de un pahar din cel mai nou si mai elegant vin de la Crama Strămutată, Protocol, un Sauvignon Blanc plin de viata, cu note de soc si arome puternice de agrise, iarba salbatica si lamaie verde; proaspat la gust cu tonuri minerale.

Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare

Detaliile video ale retete:

Daca v-a placut reteta de Spaghetti cu cerneala de sepie si fructe de mare, va invit sa incercati si:

Spaghetti alle Vongole
Linguine aglio, olio e peperoncino & frutti di mare
Creveti in sos de unt si prosecco

English version

Spaghetti with Squid Ink and Seafood Mix

Spaghetti with squid ink and seafood is a culinary fantasy for an impressive dinner. The secret of this recipe is the use of quality ingredients. The ink is what gives the pasta its black color, absolutely gorgeous, but it also gives it an amazing aroma, which transforms it into perfection together with seafood. I chose the squid ink pasta from Molisana and I was not disappointed.

INGREDIENTS (for 4 servings)

  • 320 grams of spaghetti with cuttlefish ink La Molisana
  • 250 grams of shrimp
  • 200 grams of baby octopus
  • 200 grams of baby squid
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 200 grams of cherry tomatoes
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 300 grams of tomatoes in tomato sauce
  • 1 teaspoon chili
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 50 ml white wine
  • Salt

In a heated pan, add olive oil and finely chopped garlic. Saute for a few seconds and add the cherry tomatoes cut in half. Stir the tomatoes for 2-3 minutes and remove them to a bowl, keeping the remaining sauce in the pan.

Pour the tomatoes in the tomato sauce over this sauce and crush them lightly with a spoon. Add salt, chilli, octopus and squid and cook for 10 minutes on medium heat, stirring occasionally.

At the end of the time, add the wine and shrimps and cook for another 4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

In the meantime, put a pot of water and salt on the fire and when it boils, add the pasta, which we boil for two minutes less than the time indicated on the package.

Drain the pasta from the water and add it over the tomato sauce with seafood. Cook another two minutes and add the preserved cherry tomatoes and the finely chopped basil.

Serve the spaghetti with squid ink and seafood alongside a glass of the newest and most elegant wine from the Crama Stramutata Winery, Protocol, a lovely Sauvignon Blanc with notes of elderberry and strong aromas of gooseberries, wild grass and lemon green; fresh on the palate with mineral tones.

If you liked the recipe for Spaghetti with squid ink and seafood, I invite you to try Spaghetti alle Vongole, Linguine aglio, olio e peperoncino & frutti di mare or Prosecco Butter Shrimps.


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