Bucurati-va de o delicioasa experienta culinara cu reteta noastra pentru Spanac cremos cu oua ochiuri! Aceasta combinatie rafinata de spanac proaspat, oua ochiuri si condimente delicate va incanta papilele gustative si va aduce un plus de savoare la orice masa. Este o optiune excelenta atat pentru micul dejun, cat si pentru o cina reconfortanta. Urmati pasii simpli din reteta si veti obtine un preparat savuros, care va impresiona cu siguranta pe toata lumea la masa.
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INGREDIENTE (pentru 2 portii)
- 500 grame spanac proaspat
- 2 bucati ceapa alba
- 2 catei de usturoi
- 30 grame unt
- 100 grame crema de branza
- 50 grame smantana dulce
- 4 oua
- 25 grame parmezan
- Sare
Pentru a prepara spanacul, este necesar sa-l fierbem timp de 10 minute si sa il scurgem bine, indepartand excesul de apa prin presare intre palme, daca este necesar.
Intr-o tigaie, incalzim untul si adaugam ceapa si usturoiul maruntite. Calim timp de 2 minute, apoi incorporam spanacul tocat marunt. Gatim la foc mediu timp de 3 minute, dupa care adaugam sare, crema de branza si smantana.
Continuam gatirea timp de inca 2 minute, apoi presaram parmezanul ras si facem cateva adancituri in amestec cu ajutorul unei linguri, in care spargem cate un ou. Presaram din nou cu parmezan si gatim la foc mic, acoperind cu un capac, pana cand albusul oului este coagulat, iar galbenusul ramane moale.
Servim spanacul cremos cu oua ochiuri cu paine prajita si multa pofta.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut reteta de Spanac cremos cu oua ochiuri, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Creamy Spinach with Sunny Side up Eggs
Enjoy a delicious culinary experience with our recipe for Creamy Spinach with Sunny Side up Eggs! This refined combination of fresh spinach, sunny side up eggs and delicate spices will delight the taste buds and bring extra flavor to any meal. It is an excellent option for both breakfast and a comforting dinner. Follow the simple steps in our recipe and you will get a tasty dish that will surely impress everyone at the table.
INGREDIENTS (for 2 servings)
- 500 grams fresh spinach
- 2 pieces white onion
- 2 cloves garlic
- 30 grams butter
- 100 grams cream cheese
- 50 grams double cream
- 4 eggs
- 25 grams parmesan
- Salt
To prepare the spinach, it is necessary to boil it for 10 minutes and drain it well, removing the excess water by pressing between the palms, if necessary.
In a pan, heat the butter and add the chopped onion and garlic. Saute for 2 minutes, then add finely chopped spinach. Cook on medium heat for 3 minutes, then add salt, cream cheese and double cream.
Continue cooking for another 2 minutes, then sprinkle the grated parmesan and make a few indentations in the mixture with the help of a spoon, in which break one egg at a time. Sprinkle again with parmesan cheese and cook over low heat, covering with a lid, until the egg white is coagulated and the yolk remains soft.
Serve the creamy spinach with suuny side up eggs with toasted bread and a lot of appetite.
If you liked the Creamy Spinach with Sunny Side up Eggs recipe, I invite you to try Creamy Spinach Puree, Salad with spinach, bacon and pine seeds or Toast Caprese with Poached Eggs.
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