Supa de rosii cu taietei este una dintre preferatele noastre. Foarte usoara, pe baza de legume aceasta supa este idela atat iarna cat si vara. Noi folosim suc de rosii preparat vara din rosii de gradina dulci si zemoase. Daca alegem sa folosim taietei fara ou, supa de rosii este potrivita si unei zile de post. Putem sa o servim simpla sau cu taietei sau putem sa ii adaugam legumele pe care le-am folosit la prepararea ei, in functie de gusturile fiecaruia.
(pentru 6 portii / for 6 servings)
- 3 morcovi / 3 carrots
- 1 patrunjel / 1 parsley root
- 2 pastarnac / 2 parsnips
- 1/4 telina / 1/4 celery
- 1 ceapa / 1 onion
- 1 ardei / 1 pepper
- 1 dovlecel / 1 zucchini
- 200 grame taietei / 200 grams noodles
- 2 linguri patrunjel verde / 2 tablespoons parsley
- 600 ml suc de rosii / 600 ml tomato juice
- Sare / Salt
Eu am ales sa pregatesc supa la Tefal One Pot, insa, crescand timpii de gatire se poate prepara in mod traditional.
Curatam legumele si le taiem in bucati mari. Punem in oala doi litri de apa fierbinte si adaugam legumele, impreuna cu o lingurita de sare. Alegem functia „Soup” si gatim timp de 20 de minute.
La expirarea timpului, depresurizam oala si scurgem supa. Adaugam peste supa, sucul de rosii. Alegem functia „Simmer” si mai gatim timp de 5 minute, apoi depresurizam.
Intre timp fierbem taieteii conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj si ii adaugam in supa alaturi de morcovi, patrunjel, telina si pastarnac.
Presaram cu patrunjel verde taiat marunt si servim supa fierbinte cu piper negru proaspat macinat.
Detaliile video ale retetei:
Daca v-a placut Supa de rosii cu taietei, va invit sa incercati si:
Tomato Soup with Noodles
Tomato soup with noodles is one of our favorites. Very light, based on vegetables, this soup is ideal both in winter and summer. We use tomato juice prepared in the summer from sweet and juicy garden tomatoes. If we choose to use noodles without eggs, the tomato soup is also suitable for a veggie day. We can serve it plain or with noodles or we can add the vegetables that were used to prepare it, depending on everyone’s tastes.
I chose to prepare the soup in the Tefal One Pot, however, by increasing the cooking times, it can be prepared in the traditional way.
Clean the vegetables and cut them into large pieces. Pour 2 liters of hot water in the pot and add the vegetables, together with 1 teaspoon of salt. Choose the „Soup” function and cook for 20 minutes.
At the end of the time, depressurize the pot and drain the soup. Add the tomato juice over the soup. Choose the „Simmer” function and cook for another 5 minutes, then depressurize.
In the meantime, boil the noodles according to the instructions on the package and add them to the soup along with carrots, parsley, celery and parsnips.
Sprinkle with finely chopped green parsley and serve the soup hot with freshly ground black pepper.
If you liked Tomato soup with cutlets, I invite you to try Oxtail noodles soup, a Baked tomato soup or (The best) Chicken Soup.
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