Supa Gulas


Astazi ajungem in bucataria ungureasca si incercam un gulas traditional.

Gulasul de vita este probabil unul dintre cele mai cunoscute preparate pe care trebuie sa le incercam in Ungaria sau de ce nu, chiar si in restaurante tradional unguresti din Romania.

Varianta pe care am incercat-o eu are la baza carne de vita, cartofi si celebrele galuste.

🌶🌶🌶 Si evident este… picanta… 🌶🌶🌶


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)

  • 500 grame carne de vita / 500 grams beef
  • 2 cepe rosii mari / 2 red onions
  • 4 linguri ulei / 4 tablespoon oil
  • 1 ardei kapia / 1 red pepper
  • 1 ardei iute / 1 hot pepper
  • 2 morcovi / 2 carrots
  • 3 cartofi / 3 potatoes
  • 5 catei de usturoi / 5 garlic gloves
  • 2 linguri pasta de tomate / 2 tablespoon tomato sauce
  • 1 lingura pasta de ardei / 1 tablespoon pepper sauce
  • 1 ou
  • 80 grame faina / 80 grams flour
  • sare, boia dulce, boia iute, chimen / salt, sweet paprika, hot paprika, caraway

Incingem intr-un ceaun uleiul (in mod traditional se foloseste untura, insa eu am ales varianta mai lejera). Adaugam ceapa taiata marunt si calim la foc mic spre mediu, timp de 2-3 minute. Adaugam boia dulce si iute, chimenul si continuam sa mai calim 1 minut.

Adaugam cubuletele de carne de vita si le prajim usor pe toate partile, apoi adaugam apa si lasam sa fiarba la foc mic timp de 2 ore. Timpul poate varia in functie de carnea pe care o avem.

Intre timp pregatim galustele si legumele: morcovii feliati, ardeiul kapia si iute taiati cubulete, usturoiul zdrobit cu lama cutitului si cartofii cubulete.

Pentru galuste, batem oul cu sare cu ajutorul unei furculite si adaugam faina. Framantam usor si modelam 4 baghete groase de 1 cm. Taiem apoi cubulete de 1 cm si le presam cu ajutorul unei furculite. Pentru a putea lucra cu acest aluat este necesar sa infainam la fiecare pas. Lasam la uscat pe planseta.

Cand carnea este fiarta, adaugam morcovii si ardeii si mai lasam la fiert 30 de minute. Adaugam cartofii, galustele, usturoiul, pasta de tomate si de ardei si mai fierbem 15 minute.

Servim cu multa pofta!


  • Alegeti carne de vita de calitate din surse sigure
  • Timpul de fierbere al carnii poate varia in functie de calitatea acesteia
  • In cazul in care nu agreati variantele picante puteti renunta la ardeiul iute, pasta de ardei si boia iute

English version:

Today we visit the Hungarian cuisine and try a traditional goulash.

Beef goulash is probably one of the most well-known dishes we have to try in Hungary or why not, even in traditionally Hungarian restaurants in Romania.

The variant I tried is based on beef, potatoes and the famous dumplings.

🌶🌶 And obviously it’s … spicy … 🌶🌶

Heat the oil (traditionally lard is used, but I chose the lighter version). Add finely chopped onion and simmer over low to medium heat for 2-3 minutes. Add the sweet and hot paprika, the caraway and continue to cook for another minute.

Add the beef cubes and lightly fry them on all sides, then add the water and simmer for 2 hours. The time may vary depending on the meat we have.

Meanwhile, prepare the dumplings and vegetables: sliced carrots, diced kapia and hot peppers, crushed garlic with a knife blade and diced potatoes.

For the dumplings, beat the egg with salt with a fork and add the flour. Knead lightly and shape 4 sticks 1 cm thick. Then cut 1 cm cubes and press them with a fork. In order to work with this dough it is necessary to flour at every step. Let it dry on the board.

When the meat is cooked, add carrots and peppers and cook for another 30 minutes. Add the potatoes, dumplings, garlic, tomato and pepper paste and cook for another 15 minutes.

Serve with great appetite!


  • Choose quality beef from safe sources.
  • The cooking time of the meat may vary depending on its quality.
  • If you don’t like spicy food, avoid hot pepper and paste


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