Probabil unul dintre cele mai cunoscute feluri de mancare din zona comfort food il reprezinta tocana de vita. Ideal ar fi sa alegem, pentru un gust perfect, o carne de vita de la producatori locali. De aceasta data eu am ales sa incerc o Tocana din coada de vita. O tocana decadenta cu legume, plina de savoare servita cu un piure fin de cartofi si muraturi asortate.
(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
- 1 kg coada de vita / 1 kg oxtail
- 2 cepe mari / 2 big onions
- 3 morcovi / 3 carotts
- 4 catei de usturoi / 4 garlic cloves
- 2 tije de apio / 2 stalks of celery
- 3 frunze de dafin / 3 bay leaves
- 1 lingurita cimbru / 1 teaspoon thyme
- 400 grame pasta de tomate / 400 grams tomato sauce
- 200 ml vin rosu / 200 ml red wine
- Sare / Salt
- 2 linguri ulei / 2 tablespoons oil
Am ales si de aceasta data sa folosesc Tefal One Pot datorita timpului scurt de preparare si a gustului deosebit al preparatelor obtinute. Insa, desigur, urmand aceiasi pasi si crescand timpul de gatire putem sa alegem si metoda clasica de gatit.
Taiem carnea de vita in bucati cu lungimea de 3 – 4 centimetri pe care le presaram cu sare. Incalzim uleiul in One Pot folosind functia “Brown” si prajim carnea cate 3 minute pe fiecare parte apoi o scoatem intr-un bol.
In uleiul ramas punem ceapa si usturoiul taiate marunt. Calim 1 minut apoi adaugam morcovul si apio taiate felii. Continuam sa mai gatim 3 minute apoi adaugam carnea, cimbrul, frunzele de dafin, vinul rosu si 250 ml apa.
Inchidem capacul ermetic si alegem programul “Pressure cook” pentru 40 de minute. La expirarea programului depresurizam si adaugam in oala pasta de tomate.
Alegem din nou functia de gatit sub presiune pentru 30 de minute. Depresurizam si apoi alegem functia “Bake” pentru 20 – 30 de minute pana cand obtinem un sos consistent.
Servim carnea frageda de vita alaturi de sosul delicios si cel mai fin piure de cartofi a carui reteta o gasiti aici.
Daca v-a placut reteta de Tocana din coada de vita, va invit sa incercati si:
English version
Oxtail Stew
Probably one of the most famous dishes from the comfort food area is the beef stew. It would be ideal to choose, for a perfect taste, veal from local producers. This time I have to try an Oxtail Stew. A decadent stew with vegetables, full of flavor served with finely mashed potatoes and assorted pickles.
This time I chose to use Tefal One Pot because of the short preparation time and the special taste of the dishes obtained. But, of course, following the same steps and increasing the cooking time, you can also choose the classic cooking method.
Cut the beef into 3-4 centimeters lenght and sprinkle it with salt. Heat the oil in the One Pot using the „Brown” function and fry the meat for 3 minutes on each side, then remove it to a bowl.
Put finely chopped onion and garlic in the remaining oil. Saute for 1 minute, then add the sliced carrot and celery. Continue to cook for another 3 minutes, then add the meat, thyme, bay leaves, red wine and 250 ml of water. Close the lid and choose the „Presure cook” program for 40 minutes. At the end of the program, depressurize and add the tomato paste to the pot.
Choose the pressure cooking function again for 30 minutes. Depressurize and then choose the „Bake” function for 20 – 30 minutes until get a consistent sauce.
Serve the tender oxtail alongside the delicious sauce and the finest mashed potatoes, the recipe of which you can find here.
If you liked the Stew recipe from the beef tail, I invite you to try Oxtail noodles soup, Veal ribs with caramelized quince sauce and horseradish or Veal short ribs with baked garlic and wine sauce.
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