Tochitura romaneasca cu crema de mamaliga


De porc, de oaie … nici nu conteaza. Avem astazi varianta reinterpretata care pune in prim plan produsele bio traditionale de la Mos Andrei.

Si pentru ca avem gusturi diferite, am ales aceeasi crema de mamaliga cu parmezan si doua variante de tochitura: pastrama de ceafa de porc si carnati de casa asortate cu sos de rosii cherry cu usturoi si patrunjel si varianta cu cotlet de oaie afumat si carnati Plescoi cu sos salsa de menta.

Pentru pregatirea acestei tochituri am ales o varianta “curata”, fara prea multe prajeli si sosuri grele. Pentru pregatirea efectiva eu am ales sa folosesc Actifry-ul, fara a mai fi nevoie sa adaug alte grasimi.


(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servimgs)

  • 200 grame pastrama ceafa de porc / 200 grams pork pastrami
  • 200 grame carnati de casa / 200 grams sausages
  • 10 rosii cherry / 10 tomatoes cherry
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • Patrunjel / Parsley
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 200 grame cotlet de oaie afumat / 200 grams smoked lamb chops
  • 200 grame carnati Plescoi afumati / 200 grams Plescoi sausages
  • Menta / Mint
  • 2 catei de usturoi / 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 lingura ulei de masline / 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 lingurita otet mere / 1 teaspoon apple vinegar
  • 2 linguri apa minerala / 2 tablespoons mineral water
  • Sare / Salt
  • 50 grame parmezan ras / 50 grams grated parmesan
  • 50 grame unt / 50 grams butter

Ingredientele de mai sus sunt pentru 2 portii din fiecare model de tochitura. In cazul in care nu detinem un Actifry, vom putea sa pregatim carnatii si carnea intr-o tigaie cu capac.

Incepem prin a prepara carnatii de casa in Actifry timp de 20 de minute. Dupa ce acestia sunt gata, ii scoatem intr-un bol si spalam tava de la Actifry. Taiem pastrama de ceafa de porc felii subtiri si le adaugam in Actifry. Pregatim timp de 10 minute, apoi adaugam carnatii taiati felii. Scoatem intr-un bol si pastram la cald pana pregatim si tochitura de oaie, urmand exact aceiasi pasi.

Pentru sosul de rosii, taiem rosiile cherry in jumatati. Incingem o lingura de ulei de masline intr-o tigaie, adaugam rosiile si inabusim timp de 2 minute. Adaugam usturoiul strivit, sarea si mai lasam 1 minut. Stingem focul si presaram patrunjelul tocat fin.

Pentru salsa de menta, punem intr-un blender 5-6 frunze de menta proaspata, cateva fire de patrunjel, uleiul, otetul de mere, usturoiul si apa minerala si mixam.

Intre timp, fierbem mamaliga. La sfarsit adaugam untul si parmezanul. Amestecam bine, obtinand o crema de mamaliga.

Servim crema de mamaliga cu tochitura si sosurile potrivite.

English version:

Romanian pastrami with polenta cream

Pork, lamb … it doesn’t even matter. Today we have the reinterpreted version that highlights the traditional organic products from Mos Andrei.

And because we have different tastes, we chose the same polenta cream with parmesan and two variants of meat: pork pastrami and homemade sausages assorted with cherry tomato sauce with garlic and parsley and the version with smoked lamb chops and Plescoi sausages with mint salsa sauce.

For the preparation of this meal, I chose a „clean” version, without too many fries and heavy sauces. For the actual preparation I chose to use Actifry, without adding other fats.

The above ingredients are for 2 servings of each type. If we do not have an Actifry, you will be able to prepare the sausages and meat in a pan with a lid.

Start by preparing homemade sausages in Actifry for 20 minutes. After they are ready, take them out in a bowl and wash the Actifry tray. Cut the pork pastrami into thin slices and add them to Actifry. Cook for 10 minutes, then add the sliced sausages. Take it out in a bowl and keep it warm until we prepare the lamb chop, following exactly the same steps.

For the tomato sauce, cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Heat a tablespoon of olive oil in a pan, add the tomatoes and simmer for 2 minutes. Add the crushed garlic, salt and leave for another minute. Turn off the heat and sprinkle with finely chopped parsley.

For the mint sauce, put in a blender 5-6 fresh mint leaves, parsley, oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic and mineral water and mix.

Meanwhile, boil the polenta. Finally add the butter and parmesan. Mix well, obtaining a polenta cream.

Serve, polenta cream with meat and sauces.


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