Tort de waffle


Tort de waffle este una dintre retetele super rapide care ne ajuta atunci cand avem un timp limitat pentru pregatirea unui desert. De regula, waffle sunt potrivite pentru un mic dejun sau un brunch, insa astazi le incercam intr-o varianta festiva.

Tort de waffle


(pentru 8 portii / for 8 servings)

  • 375 grame faina / 375 grams flour
  • 1.5 lingurite praf de copt / 1.5 teaspoons baking powder
  • 2 linguri zahar / 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 1/4 lingurita sare / 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 650 ml lapte / 650 ml milk
  • 90 ml ulei / 90 ml oil
  • 3 oua / 3 eggs
  • 1 lingurita esenta vanilie / 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1 lingura condimente pentru turta dulce / 1 tablespoon gingerbread spices
  • 1 lingura cacao / 1 tablespoon cocoa
  • 20 grame unt / 20 grams butter
  • 500 ml smantana dulce / 500 ml double cream
  • 4 linguri zahar pudra / 4 tablespoons icing sugar
Tort de waffle

In vasul mixerului amestecam ingredientele uscate: faina, praful de copt, zaharul si sarea. Adaugam ouale si incepem sa mixam usor, turnand incet amestecul de lapte si ulei. Topim untul si ungem cu ajutorul unei pensule forma de waffles. Prajim prima waffle timp de 5 minute pana cand este frumos rumenita. In amestecul ramas, adaugam condimentele pentru turta dulce si mai coacem o waffle. Apoi adaugam in bol cacaoa si prajim ultima waffle.

Tort de waffle

Cat timp se racesc waffle, batem smantana pentru frisca cu zaharul pudra. Ungem fiecare waffle cu frisca si decoram cu fructe.

Tort de waffle

Servim tortul de waffle cu sirop de artar si salata de fructe.

Tort de waffle

Daca v-a placut reteta de tort de waffle, va recomandam sa incercati si waffle belgiene sau clatitele americane.

English version

Waffle Cake

Waffle cake is one of the super quick recipes that helps us when we have limited time to prepare a dessert. Usually, waffles are suitable for breakfast or brunch, but today we try them in a festive version.

In the mixer bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Add the eggs and start mixing lightly, slowly pouring the mixture of milk and oil. Melt the butter and grease with a waffle brush. Fry the first waffle for 5 minutes until it is nicely browned. In the remaining mixture, add the gingerbread spices and bake another waffle. Then add the cocoa to the bowl and fry the last waffle.

While the waffles are cooling, beat the whipped cream with the icing sugar. Grease each waffle with whipped cream and decorate with fruit.

Serve the waffle cake with maple syrup and fruit salad.

If you liked the Waffle Cake recipe, we recommend you try Belgian waffles or American pancakes.


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