Ce mancam azi la pranz? Caras, crap novac si pastrav somonat auriu in crusta crocanta alaturi de o saramura gustoasa de legume aromata cu usturoi si patrunjel verde alaturi de o mamaliga fierbinte.

(pentru 4 portii / for 4 servings)
Pentru trio peste:
- 4 bucati caras / 4 crucian carp pieces
- 4 bucati crap / 4 carp pieces
- 1 pastrav somonat auriu / 1 trout
- 2 linguri faina / 2 tablespoons flour
- 2 linguri malai / 2 tablespoons corn flour
- Sare / Salt
- 3 linguri de ulei de masline / 3 tablespoons olive oil
Pentru saramura
- 2 ardei kapia rosii / 2 red peppers
- 10 rosii cherry / 10 cherry tomatoes
- 2 ardei iuti / 2 hot peppers
- 3 catei de usturoi / 3 garlic cloves
- 1/2 lingurita sare / 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 lingura patrunjel verde / 1 tablespoons parsley
- 1 cana apa / 1 cup water
Pentru mamaliga:
- 1 cana malai / 1 cup corn flour
- 3 cani apa / 3 cupa water
- 1 lingurita sare / 1 teaspoon salt

Curatam pestele si il presaram cu sare. Il lasam la frigider peste noapte. A doua zi taiem pastravul in bucati de 4-5 cm pe care le ungem cu o lingura de ulei. Pregatim pastravul la Acrifry Tefal timp de 15 minute. Il scoatem pe o farfurie si il pastram la cald. Pregatim apoi feliile de crap. Le trecem prin faina si le adaugam in Actifry stropindu-le cu o lingura de ulei. Prajim timp de 20 de minute. In mod similar pregatim si carasul crestat din loc in loc cu un cutit bine ascutit si apoi trecut prin malai.
Pentru saramura coacem ardeii kapia si ardeii iuti intr-o tigaie, intorcandu-i pe toate partile. Adaugam in tigaie rosiile cherry si le coacem timp 15 minute. Scoatem ardeii intr-un bol si ii presaram cu sare. Intr-un vas mic punem la fiert 1 cana de apa cu sare. Adaugam ardeii curatati de coaja si taiati marunt si rosiile cubulete. Lasam sa fiarba 15 minute apoi adaugam usturoiul strivit si patrunjelul taiat marunt.
Pentru mamaliga, punem apa la fiert cu sare si adaugam malaiul. Lasam la fiert timp de 30 de minute la foc mic, amestecand din cand in cand.
Servim cele 3 sortimente de peste cu mamaliga si saramura de legume.

English version:
Trio Fish in vegetable brine
What do we eat for lunch today? Crucian carp, carp and trout in crispy crust with a tasty vegetable brine flavored with garlic and parsley with hot polenta.
Clean the fish and sprinkle it with salt. Leave it in the fridge overnight. The next day cut the trout into 4-5 cm pieces and grease them with a tablespoon of oil. Cook the trout at Acrifry Tefal for 15 minutes. Take it out on a plate and keep it warm. Then prepare the carp slices. Pass them through flour and add them to Actifry, sprinkling them with a tablespoon of oil. Fry for 20 minutes. Similarly, prepare the crucian carp.
For the brine, bake the red peppers and hot peppers in a pan, turning them on all sides. Add the cherry tomatoes to the pan and bake for 15 minutes. Remove the peppers in a bowl and sprinkle with salt. In a small bowl boil 1 cup of salted water. Add the peeled and chopes peppers and finely chop the diced tomatoes. Let it boil for 15 minutes then add the crushed garlic and finely chopped parsley.
For the polenta, boil water with salt and add the corn flour. Let it boil for 30 minutes on low heat, stirring occasionally.
Serve trio fish with polenta and vegetable brine.
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