Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran


Sunt putine locurile in care am intrat si am ramas indragostita la prima vedere / la prima degustare insa pana acum acesta este primul din care am decis sa scriu si sa postez articolul in timp real. Asadar, la categoria Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran (mai exact Moieciu de Jos) povestim acum, aproape live, despre Panner – Artisan Bakery.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Sunt momente (in special in weekend) in care locatia pare foarte aglomerata (si pe buna dreptate deoarece are toate motivele) insa de fiecare data am gasit loc la mese, in interior sau pe terasa, personalul fiind foarte eficient si atent la servire, debarasare, pregatirea produselor pe baza de cafea si ceai.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Situat la hotarul dintre Bran si Moieciu de Jos, acolo unde cerul se uneste cu muntele, unde vantul sopteste complice legendele Castelului si unde oamenii sfintesc locul, Panner spune cea mai dulce, delicioasa si cozy poveste din aceasta bine-cunoscuta zona a tarii.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Prajiturile sunt pregatite in laboratorul propriu, dragostea si pasiunea gazdelor fiind ingredientele care le dau savoare si gust unic. Fiecare lingurita de desert va va aduce aminte de momente minunate din copilarie, de gustul simplu si bun de acasa.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Pot spune cu certitudine ca am incercat prajituri in multe locuri din lume, insa in foarte putine locatii am gasit deserturi care sa le egaleze pe acestea (arome, texturi, mod de prezentare).

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Preferata mea este Paris Brest Fistic, o prajitura relativ noua in meniul lor, o explozie de gusturi si texturi intr-o forma de prezentare „tres chic”! Au fost vizite in care nu am gasit-o si de aici recomandarea mea de a o introduce in meniul permanent.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Am incercat si Choux a la creme – un clasic al cofetariilor, insa in cea mai reusita varianta a sa, dar si L’ Ispahan, o prajiturica Barbie-style, care iti face irezistibil cu ochiul din vitrina, pentru ca apoi sa te cucereasca iremediabil cu aromele sale fructate.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Permanent sunt in oferta trei-patru sortimente de eclere (cel cu fistic este senzational) dar si alte prajituri mai mult sau mai putin cunoscute ca forma sau nume insa cu un gust unic, marca inregistrata Panner – Artisan Bakery.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Servite alaturi de o cafea, un ceai sau un pahar cu iaurt, produsele de patiserie sunt o gustare dulce sau sarata care creaza explozii ale papilelor gustative. Serviti-le pe terasa sau in interiorul cu geamuri pana la cer care nu umbresc peisajul, iar daca va va fi greu sa alegeti din varietatea de sortimente sau pur si simplu nu a mai ramas loc din cauza prajiturilor, puteti lua cateva si la pachet.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

In perioada sarbatorilor gazdele pregatesc cozonaci pufosi plini de nuca, baigli cu mac, pasca si alte delicatese intr-o forma de prezentare cu o mare atentie la detalii.

Nu m-am putut abtine sa nu pun in acest articol si niste poze facute in preajma sarbarilor de iarna, doar pentru rememorarea clipelor placute petrecute aici, straduinta gazdelor in amenajarea locatiei fiind una extrem de apreciata iar rezultatul unul reusit.

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Atmosfera placuta, preparatele senzationale si zambetele gazdelor sunt elemente generatoare de buna dispozitie si relaxare, iar in cazul meu de inspiratie… la fix!

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

As putea continua acest articol, insa descopar ca sunt sortimente pe care nu le-am incercat inca… asa ca pastrez loc pentru o vizita urmatoare si de ce nu, o postare de pe terasa!

Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran

Daca v-a placut articolul Unde mancam (cele mai bune prajituri) in … Bran, va invit sa vedem unde mancam si in:

Atra Doftana

English version

Where to eat (the best cakes) in… Bran

There are few places I’ve entered and fell in love at first sight / at first tasting, but so far this is the first one I decided to write and post the article in real time. So, in the category Where to eat (the best cakes) in… Bran (more precisely Moieciu de Jos) we are now talking, almost live, about Panner – Artisan Bakery.

There are times (especially on weekends) when the location seems very crowded (and rightfully so, because it has every reason) but every time I found a place at the tables, inside or on the terrace, the staff being very efficient and attentive to serving, clearing, preparation of coffee-based products.

Located on the border between Bran and Moieciu de Jos, where the sky meets the mountain, where the wind whispers stories and where people sanctify the place, Panner tells the sweetest, most delicious and cozy story from this well-known area of the country.

The cakes are prepared in our own laboratory, the love and passion of the hosts being the ingredients that give them their unique flavor and taste. Each dessert spoon will remind you of wonderful moments from your childhood, of the simple and good taste of home.
I can say with certainty that I have tried cakes in many places in the world, but in very few locations I have found desserts that equal them (flavors, textures, way of presentation).
My favorite is the Paris Brest Pistachio, a relatively new cake on their menu, an explosion of tastes and textures in a very chic presentation! There were visits where I couldn’t find it and hence my recommendation to introduce it to the permanent menu.

I also tried Choux a la creme, a confectionery classic, but in its most successful version, as well as L’ Ispahan, a Barbie-style cake, which makes you irresistible with the eye in the window, and then conquers you irremediably with its fruity aromas.

Three or four varieties of eclairs are permanently on offer (the one with pistachio is sensational) but also other cakes more or less known by shape or name but with a unique taste, trademark Panner – Artisan Bakery.

Served with a coffee, a tea or a glass of yogurt, the pastries are a sweet or salty snack that creates explosions of the taste buds. Serve them on the terrace or inside with floor-to-ceiling windows that do not shade the landscape, and if it will be difficult to choose from the variety of assortments or there is simply no room left because of the cakes, you can also take some to take away.

During the holidays, the hosts prepare fluffy cakes filled with walnuts, bagels with poppy seeds, pasca and other delicacies in a presentation form with great attention to detail.

I couldn’t help but put in this article some pictures taken around the winter holidays, just to remember the pleasant moments spent here, the efforts of the hosts in setting up the location being greatly appreciated and the result a success.

The pleasant atmosphere, the sensational dishes and the smiles of the hosts are elements that generate good mood and relaxation, and in my case of inspiration… to the point!

I could continue this article but I discover that there are varieties that I haven’t tried yet… so I’m saving space for a next visit and why not, a post from the terrace!

If you liked the article Where we eat (the best cakes) in … Bran, I invite you to see where we eat in Bran, Sibiu or Atra Doftana.


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