“Cand spui DOR, iti vin automat in minte cele mai frumoase momente ale vietii: iti este dor de mare, dor de rasarit, dor de un prieten drag sau de timpul tau cu tine. Iti este dor sa fii bine, sa te joci, sa razi, sa gusti din viata cu tot ce are ea mai bun. Iti este dor de bunici, de parinti, de gustul de altadata, de aromele copilariei.” Insa cei care au ajuns vreodata in Bran (mai exact Tohanu Nou) au descoperit cu placere si o altfel de conotatie: DOR – Delicios, Organic, Romanesc. Si exact asa l-am si redescoperit si eu in aceasta vara si m-am gandit sa vi-l recomand la categoria „Unde mancam in … Bran?”
Cei mai multi dintre noi il stim de ceva vreme drept restaurantul Instagramabil cu celebrul copac verde in mijloc.
Si cu siguranta ineditul copac a atras multi curiosi care insa au descoperit apoi cu placere delicioasele mancaruri cu gust de copilarie, legumele si fructele de alta data, aromate, organice, culese direct din gradina, si nu in ultimul rand, bucatele traditionale, romanesti, cu care am crescut si cu care ne mandrim peste tot in lume.
Am regasit in savoarea preparatelor comandate angajamentul asumat de gazde care se aprovizioneaza in proportie de circa 70% de la producatori locali de incredere, care le furnizeaza nu doar fructe si legume, ci si lapte, oua, branzeturi si uneori chiar si carne. Astfel, pe langa mancarea de cea mai buna calitate, cei de la DOR sustin si productia naturala, locala, de alimente de baza.
Am incercat la aperitiv un File de pastrav ”Curcubeu” confiat in unt cu razatura de lamaie, salata din ciuperci, mille-feuille din cartofi, jeleu cu hrean si micro salata, precum si o Gradina din legume reinterpretata cu branza de capra la gratar, crumble cu mix de seminte, marmelada din rosii si mix de salata.
La felul principal m-am delectat cu un Platou D.O.R. cu carne de miel – o nebunie cu delicioase cotletute trase in unt cu usturoi, mamaliga coapta, pastai de mazare si sos spumat de usturoi; nu m-am putut abtine si am gustat si dintr-un Sandwich din file de pastrav cu un file umplut cu ciuperci in foaie de clatita, carpacio din telina cu seminte de pin si nuci, legume verzi blansate si mix de salata.
Am incheiat cu o Inima calda de ciocolata servita cu inghetata de vanilie si cu absolut senzationala Prajitura D.O.R., un mousse de ciocolata alba cu ghimbir si jeleu din fructul pasiunii, care a fost unul dintre cele mai reusite si inspirate deserturi pe care le-am incercat vreodata!
Am revenit dupa o absenta de ceva vreme insa aceasta experienta m-a facut sa regret timpul in care am stat departe de acest loc. Voi reveni cu siguranta, iar pana atunci ma voi gandi la el cu mult DOR!
Daca v-a placut recomandarea “Unde mancam in … Bran”, va invit la masa si in:
English version
Where to eat in … Bran
„When you say DOR, the most beautiful moments of life automatically come to mind: you miss the sea, you miss the sunrise, you miss a dear friend or your time with you. You miss being well, playing, laughing, enjoying life with all that it has to offer. You miss your grandparents, your parents, the taste of the past, the flavors of your childhood.” But those who have ever arrived in Bran (more precisely Tohanu Nou) have also discovered with pleasure a different connotation: DOR – Delicious, Organic, Romanian. And that’s exactly how I rediscovered it this summer and thought I’d recommend it to you in the „Where to eat in … Bran?” category.
Most of us have known it as the Instagrammable restaurant with the famous green tree in the middle.
And certainly the unique tree attracted many curious people who later discovered with pleasure the delicious foods with a taste of childhood, the vegetables and fruits of another time, aromatic, organic, picked directly from the garden, and last but not least, the traditional Romanian dishes, with which we grew up and with which we are proud all over the world.
I found in the flavor of the ordered dishes the commitment assumed by the hosts, who source approximately 70% from reliable local producers, who supply them not only with fruits and vegetables, but also milk, eggs, cheeses and sometimes even meat. Thus, in addition to the best quality food, the people from DOR also support the natural, local production of basic foods.
As an aperitif, I tried a „Rainbow” trout fillet in butter with lemon zest, mushroom salad, potato mille-feuille, horseradish jelly and micro salad and a reinterpreted vegetable garden with grilled goat cheese, crumble with seed mix, tomato marmalade and salad mix.
For the main course, I enjoyed a D.O.R. Plate with lamb meat – a madness with delicious cutlets tossed in butter with garlic, baked chickpeas, pea pods and foamed garlic sauce; I couldn’t resist and tasted a sandwich of trout fillet filled with mushrooms in a pancake sheet, celery carpaccio with pine seeds and nuts, blanched green vegetables and mixed salad.
We ended with a warm chocolate heart served with vanilla ice cream and the absolutely sensational D.O.R. cake, a white chocolate mousse with ginger and passion fruit jelly, which was one of the most successful and inspired desserts I tried ever!
I came back after an absence for some time, but this experience made me regret the time I was away from this place. I will definitely come back, and until then I will think about him with a lot of DOR!
If you liked the recommendation „Where to eat in … Bran”, I invite you to lunch or dinner in Bucharest, Sibiu or Veseud.
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